Okuningiliziwe nesijobelelo World kanje: .com: izikhungo commercial, umuntu angakwazi ukubhalisa; .edu: izikhungo zemfundo; .gov: iminyango kahulumeni; .int: inhlangano yamazwe ngamazwe; .mil: US wezempi; .net: inethiwekhi inhlangano, njenge ze-Internet kanye nabahlinzeki, manje ubani ibhaliswe; .org: non-nzuzo, umuntu angakwazi ukubhalisa; .biz: ibhizinisi; .info: Network Information Service Inhlangano; .pro ngokuba ezimali, abameli kanye nodokotela. ; .Igama: ngabanye; .museum ngokuba Museum; .coop: imizimba ibhizinisi ukubambisana; .aero: embonini aerospace; .xxx: abadala, ***; .idv: ngabanye Country Domain A Albania .al Algeria .dz Afghanistan .af Argentina .ar United Arab Emirates .ae Aruba .aw Oman .om Azerbaijan .az Egypt .eg Ethiopia .et Ireland .ie Estonia .ee Andorra .ad Angola .ao Anguilla .ai Antigua and Barbuda .ag Austria .at Australia .au Macao .mo B Barbados .bb Papua New Guinea .pg Bahamas .bs Pakistan .pk Paraguay .py .IHu Palestinian Bahrain .bh Panama .pa Brazil .br Belarus .ngu Bermuda .bm .bg Bulgarian Northern Mariana Islands .mp Benin .bj Belgium .Kulungele Iceland .Ingabe Puerto Rico .pr Bosnia and Herzegovina .ba .pl Polish Bolivia .bo Belize .bz Botswana .bw Bhutan .bt Burkina Faso .bf Burundi .bi Bouvet Island .bv C North Korea .kp Equatorial Guinea .gq D Denmark .dk .de German East Timor .tl (zizinda); .tp (domain elidala engazange ingasebenzi) Togo .tg Dominique .dm .Ungazesabi Dominican Republic E Russia .ru Ecuador .ec Eritrea .er F .fr French Faroe Islands .fo French Polynesia .pf French Guiana .gf French Southern Territories .tf .va Vatican Philippines .ph Fiji .fj Finland .fi Cape Verde .cv Falkland Islands .fk G Gambia .gm Congo .cg Democratic Republic of the Congo .cd Colombia .co Costa Rica .cr Guernsey .gg Grenada .gd Greenland .gl Georgia .ge Cuba .cu Guadeloupe .gp Guam .gu Guyana .gy H Kazakhstan .kz Haiti .ht Korea .kr Netherlands .nl Netherlands Antilles .Isiboshwa Bezwa futhi McDonald Islands .hm Honduras .hn J Kiribati .ki Djibouti .dj Kyrgyzstan .kg Guinea .gn Guinea-Bissau .gw Canada .ca Ghana .gh Gabon .ga Cambodia .kh Czech Republic .cz Zimbabwe .zw K Cameroon .cm Qatar .qa Cayman Islands .ky Comoros .km Côte d'Ivoire .ci Kuwait .kw Coco Islands .cc Croatia .hr Kenya .ke Cook Islands .ck L Latvia .lv Lesotho .ls Lào .la Lebanon .lb Lithuania .lt Liberia .lr Libya .ly Liechtenstein .li Reunion .re Luxembourg .lu Rwanda .rw Romania .ro M Madagascar .mg Isle of Man .im Maldives .mv Malta .mt Malawi .mw .Umfowethu Malaysia Mali .ml Macedonia .mk Marshall Islands .mh Martinique .mq Mayotte .yt Mauritius .mu Mauritania .mr .us American United States Minor Outlying Islands .um Samoa .Njengombana US Virgin Islands .vi Mongolia .mn Montserrat .ms Bangladesh .bd Peru .pe Iphakethe lemithadatha .fm Myanmar .mm Moldova .md Morocco .ma Monaco .mc Mozambique .mz Mexico .mx N Nauru .nr Nepal .np Nicaragua .ni Niger .ne Nigeria .ng Niue .nu Norway .Cha .nf Norfolk Island Namibia .na South Africa .za Antarctica .aq South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands .GS O EU .eu P Palau .pw Pitcairn Islands .pn Portugal .pt R Japan .jp .se Swedish .ch Swiss S El Salvador .sv Samoa .ws Serbia and Montenegro .yu Sierra Leone .sl Senegal .sn Cyprus .cy Seychelles .sc Saudi Arabia .sa Christmas Island .cx .st São Tomé and Príncipe St Helena .sh St. Kitts and Nevis .kn Lucia .lc San Marino .sm St. Pierre island off Long Island and .pm close Saint Vincent and the Grenadines .vc Sri Lanka .lk Slovakia .sk Slovenia .si Svalbard and Jan Mayen .sj Swaziland .sz Sudan .sd Suriname .sr Solomon Islands .sb Somalia .ngakho T Tajikistan .tj Taiwan .tw Thailand .th Tanzania .tz .to Tonga Turks and Caicos Islands .tc Trinidad and Tobago .tt Tunisia .tn .tv Tuvalu Turkey .tr Turkmenistan .tm .tk Tokelau W Wallis and Futuna .wf Vanuatu .vu Guatemala .gt Venezuela .ve Brunei .bn Uganda .ug Ukraine .ua Uruguay .uy Uzbekistan .uz X Spain .es Western Sahara .eh Greece .gr Hong Kong .hk Singapore .sg New Caledonia .nc New Zealand .nz Hungary .hu Syria .sy Y Jamaica .jm Armenia .am Yasen Song Island .ac Yemen .ye Iraq .iq Iran .ir Israel .il Italy .it .Emazweni India Indonesia .id .uk British British Virgin Islands .vg British Indian Ocean Territory .io Jordan .jo Vietnam .vn Z Zambia .zm Jersey .je Chad .td Gibraltar .gi Chile .cl Central African Republic .cf .cn Chinese Igama domain National (order domain emazweni nezifunda) A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z A .ac Yasen Song Island .ad Andorra .ae United Arab Emirates .af Afghanistan .ag Antigua and Barbuda .ai Anguilla .al Albania .am Armenia .Isiboshwa Netherlands Antilles .ao Angola .aq Antarctica .ar Argentina .Njengombana Samoa .at Austria .au Australia .aw Aruba .az Azerbaijan B .ba Bosnia and Herzegovina .bb Barbados .bd Bangladesh .Kulungele Belgium .bf Burkina Faso .bg Bulgarian .bh Bahrain .bi Burundi .bj Benin .bm Bermuda .bn Brunei .bo Bolivia .br Brazil .bs Bahamas .bt Bhutan .bv Bouvet Island .bw Botswana .ngu Belarus .bz Belize C .ca Canada .cc Cocos .cd Democratic Republic of the Congo .cf Central African Republic .cg Congo .ch Switzerland .ci Côte d'Ivoire .ck Cook Islands .cl Chile .cm Cameroon .cn mpumalanga Chinese .co Colombia .cr Costa Rica .cu Cuba .cv Cape Verde .cx Christmas Island .cy Cyprus .cz Czech Republic D .de Germany .dj Djibouti .dk Denmark .dm Dominica .Ungazesabi Dominican Republic .dz Algeria E .ec Ecuador .ee Estonia .eg Egypt .eh Western Sahara .er Eritrea .es Spain .et Ethiopia .eu EU F .fi Finland .fj Fiji .fk Falkland Islands .fm iphakethe lemithadatha .fo Faroe Islands .fr France G .ga Gabon .gd Grenada .ge Georgia .gf French Guiana .gg Guernsey .gh Ghana .gi Gibraltar .gl Greenland .gm Gambia .gn Guinea .gp Guadeloupe .gq Equatorial Guinea .gr Greece .GS South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands .gt Guatemala .gu Guam .gw Guinea-Bissau .gy Guyana H .hk Hong Kong .hm Heard and McDonald Islands .hn Honduras .hr Croatia .ht Haiti .hu Hungary I .id Indonesia .ie Ireland .il Israyeli .im Isle of Man .Emazweni India .io British Indian Ocean Territory .iq Iraq .ir Iran .Ngabe Iceland .it Italy J .je Jersey .jm Jamaica .jo Jordan .jp Japan K .ke Kenya .kg Kyrgyzstan .kh Cambodia .ki Kiribati .km Comoros .kn Saint Kitts and Nevis .kp North Korea .kr Korea .kw Kuwait .ky Cayman Islands .kz Kazakhstan L .la Laos .lb Lebanon .lc Lucia .li Liechtenstein .lk Sri Lanka .lr Liberia .ls Lesotho .lt Lithuania .lu Luxembourg .lv Latvia .ly Libya M .ma Morocco .mc Monaco .md Moldova .mg Madagascar .mh Marshall Islands .mk Macedonia .ml Mali .mm Myanmar .mn Mongolia .mo Macau, China .mp Northern Mariana Islands .mq Martinique .mr Mauritania .ms Montserrat .mt Malta .mu Mauritius .mv Maldives .mw Malawi .mx Mexico .Umfowethu Malaysia .mz Mozambique N .na Namibia .nc New Caledonia .ne Niger .nf Norfolk Island .ng Nigeria .ni Nicaragua .nl Netherlands .Cha Norway .np Nepal .nr Nauru .nu Niue .nz New Zealand O .om Oman P .pa Panama .pe Peru .pf French Polynesia .pg Papua New Guinea .ph Philippines .pk Pakistan .pl Poland .pm Saint Pierre island off Long Island and close .pn Pitcairn Islands .pr Puerto Rico .IHu Palestine .pt Portugal .pw Palau .py Paraguay Q .qa Qatar R .re Reunion .ro Romania .ru Russia .rw Rwanda S .sa Saudi Arabia .sb Solomon Islands .sc Seychelles .sd Sudan .se Sweden .sg Singapore .sh St Helena .si Slovenia .sj Svalbard and Jan Mayen .sk Slovakia .sl Sierra Leone .sm San Marino .sn Senegal .ngakho Somalia .sr Suriname .st São Tomé and Príncipe .sv Salvador .sy Syria .sz Swaziland T .tc Turks and Caicos Islands .td Chad .tf French Southern Territories .tg Togo .th Thailand .tj Tajikistan .tk Tokelau .tl Timor-Leste (zizinda) .tm Turkmenistan .tn Tunisia .to Tonga .tp East Timor (domain ubudala, kodwa ingasebenzi) .tr Turkey .tt Trinidad and Tobago .tv Tuvalu .tw Taiwan .tz Tanzania U .ua Ukraine .ug Uganda .uk United Kingdom .um United States Minor Outlying Islands .us United States .uy Uruguay .uz Uzbekistan V .va Vatican .vc Saint Vincent and the Grenadines .ve Venezuela .vg British Virgin Islands .vi US Virgin Islands .vn Vietnam .vu Vanuatu W .wf Wallis and Futuna .ws Samoa Y .ye Yemen .yt Mayotte .yu Serbia and Montenegro .yr Yeniu Z .za South Africa .zm Zambia .zw Zimbabwe |
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