Austria, the United Arab Emirates at ae af Afghanistan Albania al ar aq Antarctica Argentina be Belgium, Bulgaria bg au Australia br Brazil ca Canada bm Bermuda cf Central African Republic ch Switzerland cl Chile cm Cameroon cn Chinese co Colombia Cuba cu cz Czech de German dk Danish eg Egypt es Spain et Ethiopian fi Finland fr France gb United Kingdom gm gn Guinea Zambia gr Greece Honduras hn hr Croatian hu Hungarian il id Indonesia Israel India iq ir Iran in Iraq it Italy jp Japan ke Kenya kh Cambodia kp North Korea kr kw Kuwait Laos la lb Lebanon Sri Lanka lk ma lu Luxembourg Morocco Mongolia mg Madagascar mn mx Mexico my Malaysia ng Nigeria Netherlands nl no nz New Zealand Norway np Nepal pe pa Panama Peru Philippines ph pk Pakistan Poland pl pr Puerto Rico pt Portuguese ro Romanian ru Russian se Swedish sg Singapore sk Slovakia uk United Kingdom us United States va ve Vatican Venezuela Vietnam vn ye Yemen yu za South Africa Yugoslavia Zambia zm Detailed World suffix as follows: .com: commercial establishments, anyone can register; .edu: educational institutions; .gov: government departments; .int: international organization; .mil: US military; .net: network organization, such as Internet service providers and service providers, now anyone can be registered; .org: non-profit organization, anyone can register; .biz: business; .info: Network Information Service Organization; .pro: for accountants, lawyers and doctors. ; .name: for individuals; .museum: for the museum; .coop: for business cooperation bodies; .aero: for the aerospace industry; .xxx: for adults, ***; .idv: for individuals Country Domain A Albania .al Algeria .dz Afghanistan .af Argentina .ar United Arab Emirates .ae Aruba .aw Oman .om Azerbaijan .az Egypt .eg Ethiopia .et Ireland .ie Estonia .ee Andorra .ad Angola .ao Anguilla .ai Antigua and Barbuda .ag Austria .at Australia .au Macao .mo B Barbados .bb Papua New Guinea .pg Bahamas .bs Pakistan .pk Paraguay .py Palestinian .ps Bahrain .bh Panama .pa Brazil .br Belarus .by Bermuda .bm Bulgarian .bg Northern Mariana Islands .mp Benin .bj Belgium .be Iceland .is Puerto Rico .pr Bosnia and Herzegovina .ba Polish .pl Bolivia .bo Belize .bz Botswana .bw Bhutan .bt Burkina Faso .bf Burundi .bi Bouvet Island .bv C North Korea .kp Equatorial Guinea .gq D Denmark .dk German .de East Timor .tl (new domains); .tp (old domain has not been deactivated) Togo .tg Dominique .dm .do Dominican Republic E Russia .ru Ecuador .ec Eritrea .er F French .fr Faroe Islands .fo French Polynesia .pf French Guiana .gf French Southern Territories .tf Vatican .va Philippines .ph Fiji .fj Finland .fi Cape Verde .cv Falkland Islands .fk G Gambia .gm Congo .cg Democratic Republic of the Congo .cd Colombia .co Costa Rica .cr Guernsey .gg Grenada .gd Greenland .gl Georgia .ge Cuba .cu Guadeloupe .gp Guam .gu Guyana .gy H Kazakhstan .kz Haiti .ht Korea .kr Netherlands .nl Netherlands Antilles .an Heard and McDonald Islands .hm Honduras .hn J Kiribati .ki Djibouti .dj Kyrgyzstan .kg Guinea .gn Guinea-Bissau .gw Canada .ca Ghana .gh Gabon .ga Cambodia .kh Czech Republic .cz Zimbabwe .zw K Cameroon .cm Qatar .qa Cayman Islands .ky Comoros .km Côte d'Ivoire .ci Kuwait .kw Coco Islands .cc Croatia .hr Kenya .ke Cook Islands .ck L Latvia .lv Lesotho .ls Laos .la Lebanon .lb Lithuania .lt Liberia .lr Libya .ly Liechtenstein .li Reunion .re Luxembourg .lu Rwanda .rw Romania .ro M Madagascar .mg Isle of Man .im Maldives .mv Malta .mt Malawi .mw .my Malaysia Mali .ml Macedonia .mk Marshall Islands .mh Martinique .mq Mayotte .yt Mauritius .mu Mauritania .mr American .us United States Minor Outlying Islands .um Samoa .as US Virgin Islands .vi Mongolia .mn Montserrat .ms Bangladesh .bd Peru .pe Federated States of Micronesia .fm Myanmar .mm Moldova .md Morocco .ma Monaco .mc Mozambique .mz Mexico .mx N Nauru .nr Nepal .np Nicaragua .ni Niger .ne Nigeria .ng Niue .nu Norway .no .nf Norfolk Island Namibia .na South Africa .za Antarctica .aq South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands .gs O EU .eu P Palau .pw Pitcairn Islands .pn Portugal .pt R Japan .jp Swedish .se Swiss .ch S El Salvador .sv Samoa .ws Serbia and Montenegro .yu Sierra Leone .sl Senegal .sn Cyprus .cy Seychelles .sc Saudi Arabia .sa Christmas Island .cx .st Sao Tome and Principe St. Helena .sh St. Kitts and Nevis .kn Lucia .lc San Marino .sm St. Pierre island off Long Island and close .pm Saint Vincent and the Grenadines .vc Sri Lanka .lk Slovakia .sk Slovenia .si Svalbard and Jan Mayen .sj Swaziland .sz Sudan .sd Suriname .sr Solomon Islands .sb Somalia .so T Tajikistan .tj Taiwan .tw Thailand .th Tanzania .tz .to Tonga Turks and Caicos Islands .tc Trinidad and Tobago .tt Tunisia .tn .tv Tuvalu Turkey .tr Turkmenistan .tm .tk Tokelau W Wallis and Futuna .wf Vanuatu .vu Guatemala .gt Venezuela .ve Brunei .bn Uganda .ug Ukraine .ua Uruguay .uy Uzbekistan .uz X Spain .es Western Sahara .eh Greece .gr Hong Kong .hk Singapore .sg New Caledonia .nc New Zealand .nz Hungary .hu Syria .sy Y Jamaica .jm Armenia .am Yasen Song Island .ac Yemen .ye Iraq .iq Iran .ir Israel .il Italy .it .in India Indonesia .id British .uk British Virgin Islands .vg British Indian Ocean Territory .io Jordan .jo Vietnam .vn Z Zambia .zm Jersey .je Chad .td Gibraltar .gi Chile .cl Central African Republic .cf Chinese .cn National domain name (domain order in countries and regions) A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z A .ac Yasen Song Island .ad Andorra .ae United Arab Emirates .af Afghanistan .ag Antigua and Barbuda .ai Anguilla .al Albania .am Armenia .an Netherlands Antilles .ao Angola .aq Antarctica .ar Argentina .as Samoa .at Austria .au Australia .aw Aruba .az Azerbaijan B .ba Bosnia and Herzegovina .bb Barbados .bd Bangladesh .be Belgium .bf Burkina Faso .bg Bulgarian .bh Bahrain .bi Burundi .bj Benin .bm Bermuda .bn Brunei .bo Bolivia .br Brazil .bs Bahamas .bt Bhutan .bv Bouvet Island .bw Botswana .by Belarus .bz Belize C .ca Canada .cc Cocos .cd Democratic Republic of the Congo .cf Central African Republic .cg Congo .ch Switzerland .ci Côte d'Ivoire .ck Cook Islands .cl Chile .cm Cameroon .cn Chinese mainland .co Colombia .cr Costa Rica .cu Cuba .cv Cape Verde .cx Christmas Island .cy Cyprus .cz Czech Republic D .de Germany .dj Djibouti .dk Denmark .dm Dominica .do Dominican Republic .dz Algeria E .ec Ecuador .ee Estonia .eg Egypt .eh Western Sahara .er Eritrea .es Spain .et Ethiopia .eu EU F .fi Finland .fj Fiji .fk Falkland Islands .fm Federated States of Micronesia .fo Faroe Islands .fr France G .ga Gabon .gd Grenada .ge Georgia .gf French Guiana .gg Guernsey .gh Ghana .gi Gibraltar .gl Greenland .gm Gambia .gn Guinea .gp Guadeloupe .gq Equatorial Guinea .gr Greece .gs South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands .gt Guatemala .gu Guam .gw Guinea-Bissau .gy Guyana H .hk Hong Kong .hm Heard and McDonald Islands .hn Honduras .hr Croatia .ht Haiti .hu Hungary I .id Indonesia .ie Ireland .il Israel .im Isle of Man .in India .io British Indian Ocean Territory .iq Iraq .ir Iran .is Iceland .it Italy J .je Jersey .jm Jamaica .jo Jordan .jp Japan K .ke Kenya .kg Kyrgyzstan .kh Cambodia .ki Kiribati .km Comoros .kn Saint Kitts and Nevis .kp North Korea .kr Korea .kw Kuwait .ky Cayman Islands .kz Kazakhstan L .la Laos .lb Lebanon .lc Lucia .li Liechtenstein .lk Sri Lanka .lr Liberia .ls Lesotho .lt Lithuania .lu Luxembourg .lv Latvia .ly Libya M .ma Morocco .mc Monaco .md Moldova .mg Madagascar .mh Marshall Islands .mk Macedonia .ml Mali .mm Myanmar .mn Mongolia .mo Macau, China .mp Northern Mariana Islands .mq Martinique .mr Mauritania .ms Montserrat .mt Malta .mu Mauritius .mv Maldives .mw Malawi .mx Mexico .my Malaysia .mz Mozambique N .na Namibia .nc New Caledonia .ne Niger .nf Norfolk Island .ng Nigeria .ni Nicaragua .nl Netherlands .no Norway .np Nepal .nr Nauru .nu Niue .nz New Zealand O .om Oman P .pa Panama .pe Peru .pf French Polynesia .pg Papua New Guinea .ph Philippines .pk Pakistan .pl Poland .pm Saint Pierre island off Long Island and close .pn Pitcairn Islands .pr Puerto Rico .ps Palestine .pt Portugal .pw Palau .py Paraguay Q .qa Qatar R .re Reunion .ro Romania .ru Russia .rw Rwanda S .sa Saudi Arabia .sb Solomon Islands .sc Seychelles .sd Sudan .se Sweden .sg Singapore .sh St. Helena .si Slovenia .sj Svalbard and Jan Mayen .sk Slovakia .sl Sierra Leone .sm San Marino .sn Senegal .so Somalia .sr Suriname .st Sao Tome and Principe .sv Salvador .sy Syria .sz Swaziland T .tc Turks and Caicos Islands .td Chad .tf French Southern Territories .tg Togo .th Thailand .tj Tajikistan .tk Tokelau .tl Timor-Leste (new domains) .tm Turkmenistan .tn Tunisia .to Tonga .tp East Timor (old domain, yet deactivated) .tr Turkey .tt Trinidad and Tobago .tv Tuvalu .tw Taiwan .tz Tanzania U .ua Ukraine .ug Uganda .uk United Kingdom .um United States Minor Outlying Islands .us United States .uy Uruguay .uz Uzbekistan V .va Vatican .vc Saint Vincent and the Grenadines .ve Venezuela .vg British Virgin Islands .vi US Virgin Islands .vn Vietnam .vu Vanuatu W .wf Wallis and Futuna .ws Samoa Y .ye Yemen .yt Mayotte .yu Serbia and Montenegro .yr Yeniu Z .za South Africa .zm Zambia .zw Zimbabwe |
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