Alaye World suffix bi wọnyi: @ owo soobu, ẹnikẹni le forukọsilẹ; .edu: eko ajo; .gov: ijoba apa; .int: okeere agbari; .mil: US ologun; .net: nẹtiwọki agbari, gẹgẹ bi iṣẹ ayelujara olupese ati olupese iṣẹ nẹtiwọki, bayi ẹnikẹni le ti wa ni aami-; .org: ti kii-èrè, ẹnikẹni le forukọsilẹ; .biz: owo; .info: Network Alaye Service Àgbáyé; .pro: nitori Awọn oniṣiro, amofin ati awọn onisegun. ; .name: fun ẹni-kọọkan; .museum: fun awọn musiọmu; .coop: nitori owo ifowosowopo ara; .aero: fun awọn ile ise Ofurufu; .xxx: fun awọn agbalagba, ***; .idv: fun ẹni-kọọkan Orilẹ-ede ase A Albania .al Algeria .dz Afghanistan .af Argentina .ar United Arab Emirates .ae Aruba .aw Oman .om Azerbaijan .az Egipti .eg Ethiopia .et Ireland .ie Estonia .ee Andorra .ad Angola .ao Anguilla .ai Antigua ati Barbuda .ag Austria .at Australia .au Macao .mo B Barbados .bb Papua New Guinea .pg Bahamas .bs Pakistan .pk Parakuye .py Iwode .ps Bahrain .bh Panama .pa Brazil .br Belarus .by Bermuda .bm Bulgarian .bg Northern Mariana Islands .mp Benin .bj Belgium .be Iceland .is Puerto Rico .pr Bosnia ati Hesegofina .ba Polandi .pl Bolivia .bo Belisi .bz Botswana .bw Butani .bt Burkina Faso .bf Burundi .bi Bouvet Island .bv C North Korea .kp Ikuatoria Guinea .gq D Denmark .dk German .de East Timor .tl (titun ibugbe): .tp (atijọ-ašẹ ti a ti ko danu) Togo .tg Dominique .dm .do Dominican Republic E Russia .ru Ecuador .ec Eretiria .er F French .fr Faroe Islands .fo French Polinisia .pf French Guyana .gf French Southern ilẹ .tf Vatican .va Philippines .ph Fiji .fj Finland .fi Cape Verde .cv Foliklandi Islands .fk G Gambia .gm Congo .cg Democratic Republic of Congo awọn .cd Columbia .co Costa Rica .cr Guernsey .gg Girinada .gd Girinilandi .gl Georgia .ge Cuba .cu Guadelupe .gp Konfigoresonu .gu Guyana .gy H Kasakisitani .kz Haiti .ht Korea .kr Netherlands .nl Netherlands Antili .an Gbọ ati McDonald Islands .hm Honduras .hn J Kiribati .ki Djibouti .dj Kagisitani .kg Guinea .gn Guinea Canada .ca Ghana .gh Gabon .ga Cambodia .kh Czech Republic .cz Zimbabwe .zw K Cameroon .cm Qatar .qa Cayman Islands .ky Comoros .km Côte d'Ivoire .ci Kuwait .kw Coco Islands .cc Croatia .hr Kenya .ke Cook Islands .ck L Latvia .lv Lesotho .ls Laosi .la Lebanoni .lb Lithuania .lt Liberia .lr Libya .ly Lishitenstaini .li Itungbepapo .re Luxembourg .lu Rwanda .rw Romania .ro M Madagascar .mg Isle of Eniyan .im Molidifisi .mv Malta .mt Malawi .mw .my Malaysia Mali .ml Makedonia .mk Marshall Islands .mh Matinniki .mq Mayotte .yt Mauritius .mu Mauritania .mr American .us United States Iyatọ Outlying Islands .um Samoa .as US Virgin Islands .vi Mongolia .mn Monsuratu .ms Bangladesh .bd Perú .pe Federated States of Maikronisia .fm Mianma .mm Moludofa .md Morocco .ma Monaco .mc Mozambique .mz Mexico .mx N Nauru .nr Nepal .np Nicaragua .ni Niger .ne Nigeria .ng Niue .nu Norway .no .nf Norfolk Island Namibia .na South Africa .za Antarctica .aq South Georgia ati awọn South Sandwich Islands .gs Eyin EU .eu P Palau .pw Pitcairn Islands .pn Portugal .pt R Japan .jp Swedish .se Swiss .ch S El Salifado .sv Samoa .ws Serbia ati Montenegro .yu Sierra Leone .sl Senegal .sn Cyprus .cy Seychelles .sc Saudi Arabia .sa Keresimesi Island .cx .st Sao Tome ati Principe St. Helena .sh St. Kitii ati Nefisi .kn Lucia .lc San Marino .sm St. Pierre erekusu pipa Long Island ati ki o sunmọ .pm Saint Vincent ati awọn Grenadines .vc Sri Lanka .lk Slovakia .sk Slovenia .si Svalbard ati Jan Mayen .sj Swaziland .sz Sudan .sd Surinami .sr Solomoni Islands .sb Somalia .so T Tajikstan .tj Taiwan .tw Thailand .th Tanzania .tz .to Tonga Tooki ati Kaiko Islands .tc Tunisia ati Tobago .tt Tunisia .tn .tv Tufalu Turkey .tr Tokimenisitani .tm .tk Tokelau W Wallis ati Futuna .wf Fanuatu .vu Guatemala .gt Venezuela .ve Brunei .bn Uganda .ug Ukraine .ua Urugue .uy Usibekisitani .uz X Spain .es Western Sahara .eh Greece .gr Hong Kong .hk Singapore .sg New Caledonia .nc New Zealand .nz Hungary .hu Siria .sy Y Ilu Jamaica .jm Armenia .am Yasen Song Island .ac Yemen .ye Iraaki .iq Iran .ir Israeli .il Italy .it .in India Indonesia .id British .uk British Virgin Islands .vg British Indian Ocean Territory .io Jordan .jo Vietnam .vn Z Zambia .zm Jersey .je Chad .td Gibraltar .gi Chile .cl Central African Republic .cf Kannada .cn National-ašẹ orukọ (-ašẹ ibere ni awọn orilẹ-ede ati awọn ẹkun ni) A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - Irẹ - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z A .ac Yasen Song Island .ad Andorra .ae United Arab Emirates .af Afiganisitani .ag Antigua ati Barbuda .ai Anguilla .al Albania .am Armenia .an Netherlands Antili .ao Angola .aq Antarctica .ar Argentina .as Samoa .at Austria .au Australia .aw Aruba .az Azerbaijan B .ba Bosnia ati Hesegofina .bb Barbados .bd Bangladesh .be Bẹljiọmu .bf Burkina Faso .bg Bulgarian .bh Bahrain .bi Burundi .bj Benin .bm Bermuda .bn Brunei .bo Bolivia .br Brazil .bs Bahamas .bt Butani .bv Bouvet Island .bw Botswana .by Belarus .bz Belisi C .ca Canada .cc Cocos .cd Democratic Republic of Congo awọn Central African Republic .cf .cg Congo .ch Switzerland .ci Côte d'Ivoire .ck Cook Islands .cl Chile .cm Cameroon .cn Kannada oluile .co Columbia .cr Costa Rica .cu Cuba .cv Cape Verde .cx keresimesi Island .cy Cyprus .cz Czech Republic D .de Germany .dj Djibouti .dk Denmark .dm Dominika .do Dominican Republic .dz Algeria E .ec Ecuador .ee Estonia .eg Egipti .eh Western Sahara .er Eretiria .es Spain .et Ethiopia .eu EU F .fi Finland .fj Fiji .fk Foliklandi Islands .fm Federated States of Maikronisia .fo Faroe Islands .fr France G .ga Gabon .gd Girinada .ge Georgia .gf French Guyana .gg Guernsey .gh Ghana .gi Gibraltar .gl Girinilandi .gm Gambia .gn Guinea .gp Guadelupe .gq Ikuatoria Guinea .gr Greece .gs South Georgia ati awọn South Sandwich Islands .gt Guatemala .gu konfigoresonu .gw Guinea Bissau- .gy Guyana H .hk Hong Kong .hm gbọ ati McDonald Islands .hn Honduras .hr Croatia .ht Haiti .hu Hungary I .id Indonesia .ie Ireland .il Israeli .im Isle of Eniyan .in India .io British Indian Ocean Territory .iq Iraaki .ir Iran .is Iceland .it Italy J .je Jersey .jm Ilu Jamaica .jo Jordan .jp Japan K .ke Kenya .kg Kagisitani .kh Cambodia .ki Kiribati .km Comoros .kn Saint Kitii ati Nefisi .kp North Korea .kr Korea .kw Kuwait .ky Cayman Islands .kz Kasakisitani L .la Laosi .lb Lebanoni .lc Lucia .li Lishitenstaini .lk Sri Lanka .lr Liberia .ls Lesotho .lt Lithuania .lu Luxembourg .lv Latvia .ly Libiya M .ma Morocco .mc Monaco .md Moludofa .mg Madagascar .mh Marshall Islands .mk Macedonia .ml Mali .mm Mianma .mn Mongolia .mo Makao, China .mp Northern Mariana Islands .mq Matinniki .mr Mauritania .ms Monsuratu .mt Malta .mu Mauritius .mv Molidifisi .mw Malawi .mx Mexico .my Malaysia .mz Mozambique N .na Namibia .nc New Caledonia .ne Niger .nf Norfolk Island .ng Nigeria .ni Nicaragua .nl Netherlands .no Norway .np Nepal .nr Nauru .nu Niue .nz New Zealand Eyin .om Oman P .pa Panama .pe Perú .pf French Polinisia .pg Papua New Guinea .ph Philippines .pk Pakistan .pl Poland .pm Saint Pierre erekusu pipa Long Island ati ki o sunmọ .pn Pitcairn Islands .pr Puerto Rico .ps Palestini .pt Portugal .pw Palau .py Parakuye Q .qa Qatar R .re Atunjọ pade .ro Romania .ru Russia .rw Rwanda S .sa Saudi Arabia .sb Solomon Islands .sc Seychelles .sd Sudan .se Sweden .sg Singapore .sh St. Helena .si Slovenia Svalbard ati Jan .sj Mayen .sk Slovakia .sl Sierra Leone .sm San Marino .sn Senegal .so Somalia .sr Surinami .st Sao Tome ati Principe .sv Salifado .sy Siria .sz Swaziland T .tc Tooki ati Kaiko Islands .td Chad .tf French Southern ilẹ .tg Togo .th Thailand .tj Tajikstan .tk Tokelau .tl Timor-Leste (titun ibugbe) .tm Tokimenisitani .tn Tunisia .to Tonga .tp East Timor (atijọ-ašẹ, sibẹsibẹ danu) .tr Turkey .tt Trinidad ati Tobago .tv Tufalu .tw Taiwan .tz Tanzania U .ua Ukraine .ug Uganda .uk United Kingdom .um United States Iyatọ Outlying Islands .us United States .uy Urugue .uz Usibekisitani V .va Vatican .vc Saint Vincent ati awọn Grenadines .ve Venezuela .vg British Virgin Islands .vi US Virgin Islands .vn Vietnam .vu Fanuatu W .wf Wallis ati Futuna .ws Samoa Y .ye Yemen .yt Mayotte .yu Serbia ati Montenegro .yr Yeniu Z .za South Africa .zm Zambia .zw Zimbabwe |
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