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2015-4-2 21:57| view publisher: amanda| views: 2454| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: 01 Young And Beautiful《Young And B..》5,549,864 02 Summertime Sadness《Born To Die》1,754,601 03 Born To Die《Born To Die》1,054,254 04 Dark Paradise《Born To Die》698,790 05 Video Games《Video G ...
01 Young And Beautiful《Young And B..》5,549,864
02 Summertime Sadness《Born To Die》1,754,601
03 Born To Die《Born To Die》1,054,254
04 Dark Paradise《Born To Die》698,790
05 Video Games《Video Games》148,471
06 Once Upon a Dream《Once Upon a ..》75,480
07 Gods & Monsters《Born to Die - ..》96,091
08 Shades Of Cool《Ultraviolence》67,072
09 Diet Mountain Dew《Born To Die》368,729
10 Breaking My Heart《Breaking My H..》129,626
11 Ultraviolence《Ultraviolence》323,717
12 Blue Jeans《Born To Die》411,918
13 Summer Wine81,700
14 This Is What Makes..《Born To Die》229,717
15 Without You《Born To Die》254,046
16 American《Born to Die - ..》180,845
17 Old Money《Ultraviolence》58,071
18 Young And Beautiful《Music From Ba..》225,824
19 National Anthem《Born To Die》180,562
20 The Great Gatsby241,430
21 Summertime Sadness《Summertime S..》47,074
22 Never Let Me Go85,800
23 Brooklyn Baby《Ultraviolence》59,482
24 Ride《Ride》124,913
25 Off To The Races《Born To Die》230,417

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