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Makeda--Play music online

2015-4-27 22:49| view publisher: amanda| views: 2455| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: The experience of a room is coloured by diverse tactile and visual impressions – spaces are felt as well as seen, and carpets define a room in a way that we can feel. They also change over time in re ...
The experience of a room is coloured by diverse tactile and visual impressions – spaces are felt as well as seen, and carpets define a room in a way that we can feel. They also change over time in response to our touch, telling their own unique stories.

Real Love《Strictly The B..》23

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Makeda’s story emerges from a collaboration between contemporary design sensibilities and traditional Tibetan-Nepalese knowledge, woven together in the high mountains of Nepal. Each Makeda rug is hand made in Kathmandu, using wools and dyes which age over time, developing a patina and depth in the rug that reflect its particular history. The rug is therefore never entirely finished, and is always being produced.

Makeda – the Queen of Sheba – was rumoured to have given King Solomon a magic carpet of green silk which, shielded from the sun by a canopy of birds and born by the wind, could travel great distances. It is this sense of a journey, of the traces left by nature, of the potential of collaborative production, and of stories which can be felt, which define the rugs made by Makeda.

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