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Vicki Anderson|Play music online

2015-4-4 10:24| view publisher: amanda| views: 2455| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: 01 The Message From Th..《The Best Of J..》13 02 I Love You《Wide Awake I..》6 03 Let It Be Me《Wide Awake I..》6 04 In The Land Of Milk A..《Wide Awake I..》2 05 Here Is My Everything《Wide Awake ...

01 The Message From Th..《The Best Of J..》13
02 I Love You《Wide Awake I..》6
03 Let It Be Me《Wide Awake I..》6
04 In The Land Of Milk A..《Wide Awake I..》2
05 Here Is My Everything《Wide Awake I..》1
06 All In My Mind《Wide Awake I..》3
07 You Send Me《Wide Awake I..》16
08 The Feeling Is Real《Wide Awake I..》9
09 Loving You《Wide Awake I..》7
10 What The World Nee..《Wide Awake I..》2
11 You'll Never Find A Lo..《Wide Awake I..》8
12 Don't Play That Song.. 《Wide Awake I..》1
13 You're Welcome, Stop..《Message From..》1
14 Once You Get Started《Message From..》1
15 I'm Too Tough for Mr..《Message From..》2
16 Super Good《Message From..》9
17 Don't Throw Your Love《The Sound Of..》8
18 If You Don'T Give Me..《James Brown'..》47
19 The Message From Th..《The Best Of J..》73
20 Don't Mess With Bill (.. 《Wide Awake I..》0
21 Never, Never Let You..《Wide Awake I..》0
22 My Man《Wide Awake I..》0
23 I'll Work It Out《Wide Awake I..》0
24 (Something Moves Me..《Wide Awake I..》0
25 Tears Of Joy《Wide Awake I..》0

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Vicki Anderson (born Myra Barnes) on November 21, 1939 in Houston Texas, is a soul singer best known for her performances with the James Brown Revue. She recorded a number of singles under both her birth and stage names. She is acknowledged by James Brown in his autobiography as the best singer he ever had in his revue, and probably the best singer he had ever witnessed.[1] Anderson is the widow of Bobby Byrd (the original founder of The Famous Flames) and the mother of Carleen Anderson Bartlett Anderson, James Byrd, Tony Byrd, and Keisha Byrd-Mckissack.. Anderson joined James in 1965 replacing Anna King, and stayed for three years as his main female singer, until replaced by Marva Whitney in 1968. She rejoined in 1969 after Marva departed, staying for a further three years until 1972, after which Lyn Collins took over from her. In 1970 she released her most famous song, the feminist anthem "The Message from the Soul Sisters." A single on James' I-Dentify label by Mommie -O appeared in 1975 featuring a cover of Rufus' hit "Once You Get Started" and Bobby Womack's "Stop On By" (which had recently been covered by Rufus). Vicki married James Brown's right-hand man Bobby Byrd in the mid-1960s and is the mother of UK-based Carleen and Jhelisa, who both came to prominence in the 1990s with a couple of strong albums each. Vicki toured the UK with the James Brown Funky People Revue in the late 1980s and again with husband Bobby Byrd in the mid-1990s.

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