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Vicki Hansen--Play music online

2015-4-17 22:11| view publisher: amanda| views: 2454| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: Vicki Hansen is an accomplished composer and musician who has several albums on national and international release, and has been credited on numerous film, television and theatre soundtracks. She is o ...
Vicki Hansen is an accomplished composer and musician who has several albums on national and international release, and has been credited on numerous film, television and theatre soundtracks. She is one of a rare breed of female didgeridoo players and  has also trained in the North Indian Hindustani tradition of Classical Singing, establishing her as a highly unique artist. She is dedicated to the upliftment of consciousness through music and sound.

01 Krishna Manohar《Timeless Chan..》836
02 Om Shreem Hreem《Timeless Chan..》342

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