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Agnes Baltsa|Play music online

2015-2-27 22:17| view publisher: amanda| views: 2004| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: 01 A te, o cara《An Evening at..》68 02 Orfeo ed Euridice (Vie..《Gluck: Orfeo e..》22 03 Saint-Sans: Samson et ..《Saint-Saens: S..》35 04 Saint-Sans: Samson et ..《Saint-Saens: S..》17 05 Ponchi ...
01 A te, o cara《An Evening at..》68
02 Orfeo ed Euridice (Vie..《Gluck: Orfeo e..》22
03 Saint-Saëns: Samson et ..《Saint-Saens: S..》35
04 Saint-Saëns: Samson et ..《Saint-Saens: S..》17
05 Ponchielli: La Gioconda..《Ponchielli: La ..》7
06 Ponchielli: La Gioconda..《Ponchielli: La ..》8
07 Ponchielli: La Gioconda..《Ponchielli: La ..》7
08 Richard Wagner: Tann..《Wagner: Tann..》21
09 Don Carlo (1884 Four..《Voices Of Itali..》76
10 Seguedille ( Act L )《Omaggio Alla ..》165
11 Mon coeur s'ouvre à ta..《An Evening at..》77
12 T'amo! T'amo... - E il..《An Evening at..》39
13 Madama Butterfly / Ac..《An Evening at..》69
14 Ah, quegli occhi..." - "..《An Evening at..》37
15 Un dì felice, eterea《An Evening at..》41
16 Là ci darem la mano《An Evening at..》55
17 Porgi amor《An Evening at..》412
18 Un'aura amorosa《An Evening at..》80
19 Va! je t'ai pardonné....Nu..《An Evening at..》34
20 La fleur que tu m'avai..《An Evening at..》74
21 Se quel guerrier io fos..《An Evening at..》36
22 La Traviata: Libima Ne..《Music From Th..》129
23 Orfeo ed Euridice (Vie..《Gluck: Orfeo e..》75
24 Orfeo ed Euridice (Vie..《Gluck: Orfeo e..》9
25 Orfeo ed Euridice (Vie..《Gluck: Orfeo e..》84

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