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Vasilis Dimitriou--Play music online

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description: I was born on 12 April 1945 in Athens, Greece. My mother was from Asia Minor and my father an Athenian. I was orphaned early in childhood. Following elementary education I combined High School togethe ...
I was born on 12 April 1945 in Athens, Greece. My mother was from Asia Minor and my father an Athenian. I was orphaned early in childhood. Following elementary education I combined High School together with work as a shop assistant. Later began studies at the Greek Odium (Εlliniko Odio) in piano and music theory.
In 1966 I gave up work as shop assistant and entered onto my music wandering. This was a period of Greek New Wave. At Katakomvi buat, I was the accompaning pianist to various new or emerging singers –as I myself was.

01 Enthymio《Mykonos》5
02 To Tragoudi Tis Alexa..《O! Ti Kosmos ..》7
03 Treis Stigmes《O Megalos Th..》1
04 Megalos Thymos《O Megalos Th..》1
05 Erotiko Se 44《O Megalos Th..》1
06 Fila Me《O Megalos Th..》20
07 Maria Me Ta Kitrina《Sites and Sou..》3
08 O Kosmos Ine San Ba..《Sirtaki And Ha..》1
09 Aigaio《Dreaming With..》20
10 Three Tall Women, O..《4 Contempora..》1
11 Kouinteto Mplouz《O Megalos Th..》0
12 O Horos Tis Kyriakis《O Megalos Th..》0
13 To Taxidi《Treis Kykloi Tr..》0
14 Taximi《Treis Kykloi Tr..》0
15 Sti Mnimi Tou Markou《Treis Kykloi Tr..》2
16 Afieroma《Treis Kykloi Tr..》0
17 Parapono《Treis Kykloi Tr..》0
18 Kyklades《Treis Kykloi Tr..》1
19 O Horos Tis Marias《Treis Kykloi Tr..》0
20 Varkarola《Treis Kykloi Tr..》0
21 Me Ton Tropo Tou M..《Treis Kykloi Tr..》0
22 I Balanta Tis Katerinas《Relaxing With ..》0
23 Megali Agapi《From Greece ..》3
24 Toccata, Op.15 For Pi..《4 Contempora..》0
25 11 Piano Pieces, Op.9..《4 Contempora..》0

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Vasilis Dimitriou

I stayed with Keti Chomata at Paranga until it ‘closed’ on 21st April 1967 (Dictatorship).

At this same time my exemption from army services expired and I was obliged to enter the army where I spent the most terrible year of my life – at least upto then.

My army service ceased and 1968 saw me entering the next stage of music wandering in Plaka (Athens) and the Buats such as Roulota, Katakomvi, Tavania, Leonidas, Esperides and others where I was to meet and accompany (on the piano) all the new artists of that period who began or continued their career.

During 1969-70 my fate was to cause me to meet with Rallou Manou that Lady and Iereia of dancing. Ralou Manou gave me the opportunity of writing chrorodrama ASTRAPSE I ANATOLI (The sunrise shimmered). This work was the catalist for me to sign up my contract with the foremost record producers of the period EMIAL-COLUMBIA. I obtained my initial success through this work CHALASIA MOY with Dimitra Galani and i stopped working as an accompanist -I was at that moment working at Esperides.

Everything from that moment had entered onto a new path which continues till today.

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