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Alan Tam|Play music online

2015-3-20 23:28| view publisher: amanda| views: 2457| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: 02 could not speak Goodbye Alan Tam best choice 2,675,264 03 friends Global Sacd Tiandie .. 1,898,783 04 wolves in sheep's clothing, Heaven and Earth 4,855,102 05 Stronghold Romantic Lover 1,213,321 0 ...

02 could not speak Goodbye "Alan Tam best choice" 2,675,264
03 friends "Global Sacd Tiandie .." 1,898,783
04 wolves in sheep's clothing, "Heaven and Earth" 4,855,102
05 Stronghold "Romantic Lover" 1,213,321
06 Aizaishenqiu "Who Can Change" 1,231,650
07 Let all the wind, "we sang together .." 714,510
08 is also a goodbye tears "dreamy smile (cited .." 1,023,592
09 love one more pain one more time, "Global 2000 super giant .." 921,361
10 late spring "late spring" 187,212
11 devotion "Romantic Lover" 1,128,104
12 preference accompaniment / pure music "Alan Tam Piano Sonata" 2,344,190
13 Love Trap "Love Trap" 806,326
14 edge of love and pain, "Alan Tam & Hacken Lee" 1,349,477
Between 15 and half awake "between half awake (country)" 610,887
16 Love Bus Station "Pegasus (Set)" 985,152
17 Night is young "devotion (country)" 1,109,888
18 could not speak goodbye scene, "Alan Tam '94 gold .." 687,962
Legend of God's 917,891 19
20 romantic rainy night, "the first champion Lin Song" 280,573
21 Love who set the wrong with the "Global 2000 super giant .." 338,362
22 devotion album version "devotion" 39,135
23 live unrestrained "unique" 1,189,089
24 Years Galaxy "Galaxy Years - The .." 114,417
25 Everlasting Friendship "Lin first film song" 33,261

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