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Priscilla Chan|Play music online

2015-3-20 22:48| view publisher: amanda| views: 2456| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: 01 Qianqianquege "Qianqianquege" 131,325,745 02 Halfmoon Serenade Live "concert live life .. Ii" 8,642,816 03 snow "flurries" 4,179,274 04 where life does not meet "PolyGram 88 best .." 4,424,516 05 s ...

01 Qianqianquege "Qianqianquege" 131,325,745
02 Halfmoon Serenade Live "concert live life .. Ii" 8,642,816
03 snow "flurries" 4,179,274
04 where life does not meet "PolyGram 88 best .." 4,424,516
05 stupid woman "Priscilla Chan" 1,038,141
06 return it, "return it" 3,068,004
07 Aizaishenqiu Live "live life II Concert" 814,002
08 Nights machine "Priscilla 2Cd Set" 1,563,269
09 alone back "return it" 1,078,401
10 live unfulfilled promise "Snow White Ying Chen '96 .." 734,560
11 Qianqianquege scene "Snow White Ying concert" 343,245
12 Bridal Tea "Priscilla 2Cd Set" 483,920
13 Let all the wind "By Heart" 466,390
14 love and commitment, "Priscilla triple .." 541,622
15 Moon "Priscilla 2Cd Set" 426,483
16 Dance Street "Priscilla 2Cd Set" 109,676
17 where life does not meet / glass .. Live "Snow White Ying Chen '96 .." 283,533
18 where life does not meet album version "Universal one pair of love .." 87,283
19 Fireworks Live "live life II Concert" 385,091
20 560,038 vulnerable woman
21 Yesterday Once More site "Elements - now .." 216,280
〖22 Halfmoon Serenade concert ..260,334
23 When sad to see through, "Lindsay word biography" 349,229
24 Qianqianquege site "Back to Priscill .." 133,399
25 snow fly "Snow fly" 398,699

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