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2015-3-23 20:46| view publisher: amanda| views: 2455| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: 01 Love gust 208,338 02 wine country hero must succeed (within .. 67,582 03 love love 57,044 04 wind sandstorm must succeed 20,402 05 Gold Package Silver must succeed (within .. 57,601 06 must succeed ...
01 Love gust 208,338
02 wine country hero "must succeed (within .." 67,582
03 love "love" 57,044
04 wind sandstorm "must succeed" 20,402
05 Gold Package Silver "must succeed (within .." 57,601
06 must succeed "must succeed (within .." 41,935
07 victories "must succeed (within .." 39,144
08 prodigal mood - Taiwanese song dedicated ..24,824
09 pursuit of "love gust of wind" 22,218
10 prodigal mood - a118 Min ..18,374
11 sewing feeling "one million Taiwanese Golden Melody .." 21,775
12 perk "First Love (mainland version)" 20,212
13 I am a good man, "must succeed" 15,451
14 Blessing "Love gust of wind" 13,613
15 Dude restaurant row "Taiwanese one million hits .." 6,959
16 If any wrong step "Love gust (within .." 14,043
17 heat three minutes, "First Love" 14,053
18 life love optimism "Love gust of wind" 5,016
19 people sailing "First Love (mainland version)" 8,124
20 Gold Package Silver - Cai autumn 3,939
21 valuable male "love gust of wind" 6,687
22 dock "Love gust of wind" 8,166
23 Heart in the home, "First Love (mainland version)" 9,507
24 No one knows the mood 5,581
25 Mom "first love" 4,460

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