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2015-3-28 23:31| view publisher: amanda| views: 2463| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: 01 Dream of Red Mansions Taiwan My Hometown 3,663 02 Ungrateful Man stars will be 39 6,275 03 China Night in Japanese, Taiwanese .. 4,054 04 singers, dance floor 4,528 05 Ana A ranking Taiwanese 11 9, ...
01 Dream of Red Mansions "Taiwan My Hometown" 3,663
02 Ungrateful Man "stars will be 39" 6,275
03 China Night "in Japanese, Taiwanese .." 4,054
04 singers, "dance floor" 4,528
05 Ana A "ranking Taiwanese 11" 9,495
06 Paramita Sutra 7,526
Brewmaster 07 points safflower "Taiwan My Hometown" 1,765
08 drunk 1,594 songs
09 Old Ovens tea "Taiwanese charts 11" 2,626
10 vegetables justice ㄚ "Taiwan refueling" 569
Safflower Aoba 11 "Pai Ping-ping featured" 2,505
12 sing socks evil "Pai Ping-ping featured" 904
13 Hope No Touch "look no dreamer" 898
14 Taiwan's my hometown, "Taiwan's my hometown," 2,510
15 Yan Chai you are flying hundred 1,068
16 glasses Tonight "Pai Ping-ping featured" 520
Love River Bridge 17 Tears ", the Japanese, Taiwanese .." 692
18 Forgive me, sweetheart, "stars will be 39" 2,541
19 month child like lemons "stars will 39" 1,966
20 Love's Melody "Taiwan refueling" 177
21 Sayonara night harbor side "Taiwan refueling" 121
22 welcome Matsu "Taiwan My Hometown" 624
23 referendum move up "ice love fire" 2,880
24 romantic woman's heart "Taiwan refueling" 335
25 thoughts from Taiwan "Taiwan refueling" 184

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