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2015-3-23 20:41| view publisher: amanda| views: 2455| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: 01 happy enough - Taiwanese song dj ..197,431 02 joy like 434,420 03 There are no shadow Asian superstar featured 2 85,818 04 Sea Life happy enough 72,212 05 Soul walked three miles Miracle joy like 4 ...
01 happy enough - Taiwanese song dj ..197,431
02 joy like 434,420
03 There are no shadow "Asian superstar featured 2" 85,818
04 Sea Life "happy enough" 72,212
05 Soul walked three miles Miracle "joy like" 42,866
06 beloved say nothing to cry 105,970
07 wind really thoroughly "Taiwanese charts 11" 53,906
08 Taiwanese "all thunder! Super .. "50,896
09 in pairs "Thanksgiving song" 10,828
10 Goodbye Youth (Asian Wave) "Asian Wave III" 59,213
11 revival 15,699
12 I love the people that you "love thy days" 35,301
13 Love Do not sell "sad song" 26,602
14 Sons Wife - new110,633
15 Mom wrinkles 20,928
16 man of 19,557 voices
17 Moonlight song "Thanksgiving song" 17,516
18 Pier wine accompaniment / pure music "and Ray Dances" 25,390
19 Thanksgiving song "Thanksgiving song" 7,096
20 reunion wine "shipped" 7,655
21 My Dream (sound move .. "Asian Wave Eighth" 18,071
22 When I think of you (sound .. "Asian Wave Eighth" 42,209
23 28,540 lifetime favorite
24 Going "all thunder! Super .. "23,977

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