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2015-3-28 23:04| view publisher: amanda| views: 2459| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: 05 We are all one people (cherry sister ..24,798 06 No you card happy love you this deep 3,814 07 songs negatives 5,493 08 old friends say nothing Lift Autumn leaves 4,412 09 gu shi Osaka, made me cry ...
05 We are all one people (cherry sister ..24,798
06 No you card happy "love you this deep" 3,814
07 songs "negatives" 5,493
08 old friends say nothing Lift "Autumn leaves" 4,412
09 gu shi Osaka, made me cry, "There are sets of Japanese speech heart .." 4,203
10 sad tears "for your heart heartache .." 9,536
11 broken love line "tears of wine" 6,310
12 tears of wine "tears of wine" 5,394
13 people want house of 4,327
14 Bridal Flowers "wine Zhong Qing" 6,195
15 owe song "Kiss Sisters" 2,779
16 ko ko ro wine "There are sets of Japanese speech heart .." 3,339
17 Life Road "Life Road" 9,176
18 autumn leaves "autumn leaves" 17,548
19 When the shop "when shop" 3,907
20 life with you "for your heart heartache .." 1,982
21 Mama's hand "love you this deep" 3,066
22 forbearance protectionism Rain "HeartVod Taiwan Japanese speech .." 1,324
23 Tanabata Love "Tanabata Love" 5,443
24 freezing rain "Heart There Taiwan Japanese speech .." 4,543
25 Pear Tears - Mountain Song Ying ..2,292

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