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Social networking

2014-2-19 23:11| view publisher: amanda| views: 1002| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: Celebrities have been flocking to social networking and video hosting sites such as YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and MySpace. Social networking sites allow celebrities to communicate directly ...
Celebrities have been flocking to social networking and video hosting sites such as YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and MySpace.[69] Social networking sites allow celebrities to communicate directly with their fans, removing the middle-man known as traditional media. Social media humanizes celebrities in a way that arouses public fascination as evident by the success of magazines such as Us Weekly and People Weekly. Celebrity blogging have also spawned stars such as Perez Hilton who is well known for not only blogging, but also outing celebrities.[70] Celebrities are now much more accessible to the public, through social media and also via celebrity databases, which provide their agent and manager details.
Social media sites have even catapulted some to fame. Tila Tequila for example, shot to stardom on MySpace.[71]

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