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2014-2-22 16:55| view publisher: amanda| views: 1003| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: As amino acids have both a primary amine group and a primary carboxyl group, these chemicals can undergo most of the reactions associated with these functional groups. These include nucleophilic addit ...
As amino acids have both a primary amine group and a primary carboxyl group, these chemicals can undergo most of the reactions associated with these functional groups. These include nucleophilic addition, amide bond formation, and imine formation for the amine group, and esterification, amide bond formation, and decarboxylation for the carboxylic acid group.[86] The combination of these functional groups allow amino acids to be effective polydentate ligands for metal-amino acid chelates.[87] The multiple side-chains of amino acids can also undergo chemical reactions.[88] The types of these reactions are determined by the groups on these side-chains and are, therefore, different between the various types of amino acid.

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