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Need for dietary supplements

2014-2-22 18:45| view publisher: amanda| views: 1002| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: ietary supplements are unnecessary if one eats a balanced diet.Moreover, many supplements have no practical effect. For example, glucosamine and chondroitin, often thought to relieve joint pain, have ...
ietary supplements are unnecessary if one eats a balanced diet.[9]
Moreover, many supplements have no practical effect. For example, glucosamine and chondroitin, often thought to relieve joint pain, have been shown to be without benefit. Relief reported for these supplements may be explained by the fact that many people taking them on a doctor's recommendation are also taking other pain relievers.[10] Another common supplement, omega-3 fatty acids, has been similarly shown to be without benefit for healthy individuals.[11]
Some supplements are harmful. For example, one study funded by the National Institute of Health found that men who consumed vitamin E supplements had a higher rate of prostate cancer than men who did not.[12] Also, it has been found that among patients with coronary heart disease, elevated calcium levels are associated with increased mortality.[13]
Supplements may create harm in several ways, including over-consumption, particularly of minerals and fat-soluble vitamins which can build up in the body.[14] The products may also cause harm related to their rapid absorption in a short period of time, quality issues such as contamination, or by adverse interactions with other foods and medications.[15]

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