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Bodybuilding supplements

2014-2-22 18:46| view publisher: amanda| views: 1002| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: Bodybuilding supplements often involve health problems.For example, the "natural" best-seller Craze, 2012's "New Supplement of the Year" by bodybuilding.com, sold in Walmart, Amazon etc., was found to ...
Bodybuilding supplements often involve health problems.[19]
For example, the "natural" best-seller Craze, 2012's "New Supplement of the Year" by bodybuilding.com, sold in Walmart, Amazon etc., was found to contain undisclosed amphetamine-like compounds. Also other products by Matt Cahill have contained dangerous substances causing blindness or liver damages, and experts say that Cahill is emblematic for the whole industry.[20]

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