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Suspected kidnappings

2014-3-16 22:31| view publisher: amanda| views: 1002| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: Haleigh Cummings; the child, according to news reports from CNN and other major television news sources, was being watched by the girlfriend, later wife, of her father, Ronald Cummings, when she disap ...
Haleigh Cummings; the child, according to news reports from CNN and other major television news sources, was being watched by the girlfriend, later wife, of her father, Ronald Cummings, when she disappeared from her mobile home in Satsuma, Florida in February 2009. Two persons of interest in the still unsolved kidnapping were implicated in a drug sting in January 2010, renewing interest in the case.[20]
Jimmy Hoffa, American union leader; briefly kidnapped, murdered and body disposed of.
Helen Brach millionaire owner of a candy company; an informant claimed she was kidnapped after leaving the Mayo Clinic, then murdered; her remains have never been located.
Cédrika Provencher 10-year old girl from Trois-Rivières, Canada missing since 31 July 2007. She has not yet been found.
Dru Sjodin, American college student seems to have been abducted on 22 November 2003, and was found dead on 17 April 2004.
Hassani Campbell; 5-year-old boy with cerebral palsy went missing in Oakland, California on 10 August 2009. Hassani's foster father, Louis Ross, said he left Hassani waiting at the back of the shoe store where Hassani's aunt, Jennifer Campbell, worked while he went around to the front of the store with Hassani's younger sister.[citation needed]
Cameron Brett Willis-Exum; 1-year old boy went missing from the mid-western United States in April 2012 when his aunt who was temporarily caring for him, died suddenly. Investigators briefly found the child in the state of California under the last name of Martinez, where they obtained a DNA sample. Before the positive results were returned identifying the child as Willis-Exum; the current care-giver crossed into Mexico.

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