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List of military disasters

2014-3-16 22:25| view publisher: amanda| views: 1002| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: A military disaster is the unexpected and sound defeat of one side in a battle or war, and often changes the course of history.A military disaster can range from a strong army losing a major battle ag ...
A military disaster is the unexpected and sound defeat of one side in a battle or war, and often changes the course of history.

A military disaster can range from a strong army losing a major battle against a clearly inferior force, to an army being surprised and defeated by a clearly superior force, to a seemingly evenly matched conflict with an extremely one sided result. A military disaster could be due to bad planning, bad execution, bad weather, general lack of skill or ability, the failure of a new piece of military technology, a major blunder, a brilliant move on the part of the enemy, or simply the unexpected presence of an overwhelming enemy force.

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