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List of treaties

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description: Before AD 1200Year Name Summaryc. 1283 BC Egyptian–Hittite peace treaty Treaty between the Egyptian pharaoh Ramses II and the Hittite monarch Hattusili III after the Battle of Kadesh.c. 2100 BC (Laga ...
Before AD 1200

Year    Name    Summary
c. 1283 BC    Egyptian–Hittite peace treaty    Treaty between the Egyptian pharaoh Ramses II and the Hittite monarch Hattusili III after the Battle of Kadesh.[1][2]
c. 2100 BC    (Lagash and Umma of Mesopotamia)    Border agreement between the rulers of the city-states of Lagash and Umma in Mesopotamia, inscribed on a stone block, setting a proscribed boundary between their two states.[3]
c. 493 BC    Foedus Cassianum[4]    Ends the war between the Roman Republic and the Latin League.
c. 450 BC    Peace of Callias    Ends the Persian Wars.
445 BC    Thirty Years' Peace    Ends the First Peloponnesian War between Athens and Sparta.
421 BC    Peace of Nicias    Athens and Sparta end the first phase of the Peloponnesian War.
387 BC    Peace of Antalcidas    Sets the boundaries of Greek and Persian territory.
241 BC    Treaty of Lutatius    Ends the First Punic War.
226 BC    Ebro Treaty    Establishes the Ebro River in Iberia as the boundary line between the Roman Republic and Carthage.
216 BC    Macedonian–Carthaginian Treaty    Establishes an anti-Roman alliance between Philip V of Macedon and Hannibal of Carthage.
205 BC    Treaty of Phoenice    Ends the First Macedonian War.
196 BC    Treaty of Tempea    Ends the Second Macedonian War.
188 BC    Treaty of Apamea    Between the Roman Republic and Antiochus III (the Great), ruler of the Seleucid Empire.
161 BC    Roman–Jewish Treaty    Establishes friendship between Judas Maccabeus and the Roman Republic.
85 BC    Treaty of Dardanos    Ends the First Mithridatic War.
387    Peace of Acilisene    Between the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire and the Sassanian Persian Empire.
532    The Eternal Peace    Between the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire and the Sassanian Persian Empire.
562    The Fifty-Year Peace    Between the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire and the Sassanian Persian Empire.
587    Treaty of Andelot[5]    Between Frankish rulers Guntram and Brunhilda; Guntram adopts Brunhilda's son Childebert II.
628    Treaty of Hudaybiyyah    Between Muslims and the Quraish.
638    Ili River Treaty    Between Eastern Turks and the Western Turks (Onok).
651    The Bakt    Between Nubia and Egypt.
713    Treaty of Orihuela[6]    Establishes a dhimmi over the Christian inhabitants of Orihuela.
716    Treaty of 716    Officially ends the Battle of Anchialus and establishes the borders between Byzantium and the Bulgarian Empire.
803    Pax Nicephori    Peace between Charlemagne and the Byzantine Empire; recognizes Venice as Byzantine territory.
811    Treaty of Heiligen    Sets the southern boundary of Denmark at the Eider River.
815    Treaty of 815    Ends prolonged series of conflicts between the Bulgarian Empire and the Byzantine Empire in Bulgarian favour.
836    Pactum Sicardi    Peace between the Duchy of Naples and the Principality of Salerno under Sicard.
843    Treaty of Verdun    Partitions the Carolingian Empire.
870    Treaty of Mersen    Further partitions the Carolingian Empire.
878–890    Treaty of Alfred and Guthrum    Between Alfred of Wessex and Guthrum, the Viking ruler of East Anglia.
907    Rus'–Byzantine Treaty (907)    Regulates the status of the colony of Rus' merchants in Constantinople.
911    Rus'–Byzantine Treaty (911)    Between the Byzantine Empire and Kievan Rus'.
Treaty of Saint-Clair-sur-Epte    Charles the Simple grants Normandy to Rollo.
921    Treaty of Bonn    West Francia and East Francia both recognize each other.
945    Rus'–Byzantine Treaty (945)    Between the Byzantine Empire and Kievan Rus'.
1002    Peace of Bautzen    Between Holy Roman Emperor Henry II and Duke Bolesław I the Brave of Poland.
1004    Chanyuan Treaty    Establishes relations between the Northern Song and Liao Dynasties.
1013    Peace of Merseburg    Between Holy Roman Emperor Henry II and Duke Bolesław I the Brave of Poland.
1018    Peace of Bautzen    Between Holy Roman Emperor Henry II and Duke Bolesław I the Brave of Poland.
1031    Peace of Bautzen    Between Holy Roman Emperor Conrad II and Duke Mieszko II of Poland.
1033    Peace of Merseburg    Between Holy Roman Emperor Conrad II and Duke Mieszko II of Poland.
1059    Treaty of Melfi    Pope Nicholas II recognizes Norman influence in southern Italy.
1080    Treaty of Ceprano    Pope Gregory VII establishes an alliance with Robert Guiscard and recognizes his conquests.
1082    Byzantine–Venetian Treaty of 1082    Byzantium grants trade concessions to Venice in return for military aid against the Normans.
1091    Treaty of Caen    Ends rivalry between William II of England and Duke Robert Curthose of Normandy.
1101    Treaty of Alton    Robert Curthose recognizes Henry I as King of England.
1108    Treaty of Devol    The Principality of Antioch becomes a nominal vassal of the Byzantine Empire.
1122    Pactum Calixtinum    Between Pope Callixtus II and Holy Roman Emperor Henry V, Holy Roman Emperor.
1123    Pactum Warmundi    The crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem allies with Venice.
1139    Treaty of Mignano    Roger II of Sicily recognised as king by the legitimate Pope Innocent II.
1141    Treaty of Shaoxing    Ends conflicts between the Jin Dynasty and Southern Song Dynasty.
1143    Treaty of Zamora    Recognises Portuguese independence from the Kingdom of León.
1151    Treaty of Tudilén[7]    Recognises the conquests of the Crown of Aragon south of the Júcar and recognises future conquests in Murcia.
1153    Treaty of Wallingford[8]    Officially ends The Anarchy between Empress Matilda and her cousin Stephen of England.
Treaty of Constance[9]    Frederick I, Holy Roman Emperor, and Pope Eugene III agree to defend Italy against Manuel I Comnenus.
1156    Treaty of Benevento    Peace between the Papacy and the Kingdom of Sicily.
1158    Treaty of Sahagún (1158)    Between Sancho III of Castile and Ferdinand II of León.
1170    Treaty of Sahagún (1170)    Between Alfonso VIII of Castile and Alfonso II of Aragon.
1175    Treaty of Windsor (1175)    Between King Henry II of England and the last High King of Ireland, Rory O'Connor during Norman expansion in Ireland.
1177    Treaty of Venice[10]    Peace between the Papacy, the Lombard League, the Kingdom of Sicily, and the Holy Roman Emperor, Frederick Barbarossa.
1179    Treaty of Cazorla[11]    Defines the zones of conquest in Andalusia between Aragon and Castile.
1183    Peace of Constance[12]    Peace between the Lombard League and the Holy Roman Emperor, Frederick Barbarossa. Reaffirms the Peace of Venice.
1192    Treaty of Jaffa    Ends the Third Crusade.

Year    Name    Summary
1200    Treaty of Le Goulet    John of England and Philip II of France make peace. Marriage between Blanche of Castile and Louis VIII of France.
1204    Partitio terrarum imperii Romaniae    Agreement between the participants of the Fourth Crusade on the division of the Byzantine Empire. Establishment of the Latin Empire
1209    Treaty of Speyer    Otto IV renounces the Concordat of Worms.
1212    Golden Bull of Sicily    Determines the rights and duties of the Bohemian monarchs.
1214    Treaty of Nymphaeum    Establishes peace between the Nicaean Empire and the Latin Empire.
1215    Magna Carta    Between King John of England and his barons.
1217    Treaty of Lambeth    Between Louis VIII of France and Henry III of England.
1220    Treaty with the Princes of the Church[13]    Between Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II and German bishops.
1218    Golden Charter of Bern    Establishes Bern as an independent state.
1219    Nicaean–Venetian Treaty of 1219    Grants Venetians freedom of trade and duty-free imports throughout the Nicaean Empire in exchange for non-support for the Latin Empire.
1222    Golden Bull of 1222    Andrew II of Hungary grants Hungarian nobles the power to disobey the king when he acted contrary to the law.
1226    Treaty of Melun    Forces the counts of Flanders to swear fealty to the French crown.
Golden Bull of Rimini    Resolves disputes over Chełmno Land.
1229    Treaty of Paris (1229)    Officially ends the Albigensian Crusade.
1230    Treaty of San Germano    Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II restores Sicily to Pope Gregory IX.
Treaty of Ceprano (1230)    Establishes lines of reconciliation between Pope Gregory IX and Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II.
Treaty of Kruszwica    Konrad I of Masovia grants Chełmno Land to the Prussians and the Order of Dobrzyń.
1234    Golden Bull of Rieti    Recognizes Kulmerland (Chełmno Land) as subject to the Pope's authority and not as a fief belonging to anyone.
1236    Treaty of Kremmen    The Margraviate of Brandenburg gains most of the territory and the right of succession for Pomerania-Demmin.
1237    Treaty of York    A feudal agreement between Henry III of England and Alexander III of Scotland.
1244    Treaty of Almizra[14]    Establishes the borders of the Kingdom of Valencia.
Treaty of Játiva    Permits the Moors of Spain to hold on to the Castle of Játiva for two years before relinquishing it to King James I of Aragon.
1245    Al-Azraq Treaty    Between the King James I of Aragon and the Muslim commander Mohammad Abu Abdallah Ben Hudzail al Sahuir.
1249    Treaty of Christburg    Establishes peace between the pagan Prussian clans and the Teutonic Knights.
Treaty of Lödöse    Prevents mutual hostility between the Kingdom of Sweden and the Kingdom of Norway from escalating into war.
1250    Treaty of Landin    Succession of Pomerania-Demmin: The Margraviate of Brandenburg's rights are dropped in favour of Pomerania-Stettin
1258    Treaty of Corbeil    Establishes a border between France and the Crown of Aragon.
Provisions of Oxford    Between King Henry III, of England and his Barons. Established a permanent baronial council / Parliament.
1259    Treaty of Paris[15]    Between Louis IX of France and Henry III of England.
1261    Treaty of Nymphaeum    A trade and defense pact between the Nicaean Empire and the Republic of Genoa.
1262    Old Covenant    Between the major chieftains of Iceland and Haakon IV of Norway. The signing brought about the union of Iceland with Norway
1265    Treaty of Pipton    Established alliance between Prince Llywelyn the Last of Wales and Simon de Montford during the Second Barons' War.
1266    Dictum of Kenilworth    Ends hostilities between the supporters of Simon de Montfort, 6th Earl of Leicester and Henry III of England; comes into effect in 1267.
Treaty of Perth    Terms of sovereignty over the Western Isles, the Isle of Man, and the Northern Isles agreed between Norway and Scotland.
1267    Treaty of Badajoz    King Alfonso X and King Afonso III agree to use the Guadiana River as the boundary line separating Castile and Portugal.
Treaty of Montgomery    Henry III of England acknowledges Llywelyn ap Gruffydd's title as the 'Prince of Wales'.
Treaty of Viterbo    Grants Charles I of Anjou claims to the defunct Latin Empire.
1271    Peace of Pressburg[16]    Ends war between Bohemia and Hungary.
1277    Treaty of Aberconwy    Between King Edward I of England and Llewelyn the Last of Wales.
1281    Treaty of Orvieto    Between Charles I of Sicily, the Republic of Venice, and Philip of Courtenay; attempts to recover the Latin Empire.
1283    Treaty of Rheinfelden    Duke Rudolph II of Austria surrenders power to his older brother Albert I of Germany.
Rostock Peace Treaty    Between 8 Hanseatic towns in the Baltic region, the dukes of Saxony and Pomerania, the prince of Rügen, the lords of Schwerin and Dannenberg and the nobility of Rostock.
1289–1290    Treaty of Birgham    Attempts to end competing claims between the House of Balliol and the House of Bruce for the Scottish throne; never comes into effect.
1291    Treaty of Tarascon    Ends the Aragonese Crusade.
1295    Auld Alliance    Scotland and France forge the first treaty of mutual self-defense against England.
Treaty of Anagni    Reaffirms the Treaty of Tarascon, but fails to diplomatically settle the Sicilian question.

Year    Name    Summary
1302    Peace of Caltabellotta    Ends the War of the Sicilian Vespers.
1303    Treaty of Paris    Restores Gascony to England from France during the Hundred Years' War.
1304    Treaty of Torrellas[17]    Brought peace to Castile and Aragon and divided up the Kingdom of Murcia between them.
1305    Treaty of Athis-sur-Orge    France acquires the cities of Lille, Douai, and Béthune and Flanders retains its independence.
Treaty of Elche    Modifies the Treaty of Torrellas and grants Cartagena to Castile.
1309    Treaty of Soldin (1309)    The Teutonic Order purchases from Margrave Waldemar of Brandenburg-Stendal the rights to Pomerelia and Danzig (Gdańsk).
1317    Treaty of Templin    Ascanians surrender the territories of Schlawe-Stolp to the Pomeranians.
1323    Treaty of Nöteborg[18]    Sets the boundary between Sweden and Novgorod Republic.
Treaty of Paris    Count Louis of Flanders relinquishes Flemish claims over Zeeland.
1326    Treaty of Corbeil    Renews the Auld Alliance between France and Scotland.
Treaty of Novgorod    End decades of border skirmishes at the border of Norway and Novgorod Republic.
1328    Treaty of Edinburgh–Northampton    Between Edward III of England and the Scots.
1329    Treaty of Pavia (1329)    Between Louis IV, Holy Roman Emperor and his nephews.
1338    Declaration of Rhense[19]    German princes elect German kings without the consent of the Papacy.
1340    Truce of Espléchin    Between the English and French crowns during the Hundred Years' War.
1343    Treaty of Kalisz (1343)    Between King Casimir III the Great of Poland and the Teutonic Knights.
1354    Treaty of Stralsund (1354)    Settles border disputes between the duchies of Mecklenburg and Pomerania.
Treaty of Mantes    First peace between Charles II of Navarre and John II of France.
1355    Treaty of Valognes    Second peace between Charles II of Navarre and John II of France.
Treaty of Paris (1355)    Recognizes the annexation of the Barony of Gex by the county of Savoy.
1358    Treaty of Zadar    The Republic of Venice loses influence over territories in Dalmatia.
1359    Treaty of London (1359)[20]    Cedes western France to England; repudiated by the Estates-General in Paris.
1360    Treaty of Brétigny    Ends the first phase of the Hundred Years' War.
1370    Treaty of Stralsund (1370)    Ends the war between the Hanseatic League and Denmark.
1371    Treaty of Vincennes-Edinburgh    Renewal of the Auld Alliance between the Kingdoms of France and Scotland.
1373    Anglo-Portuguese Treaty of 1373    Treaty of alliance between King Edward III of England and King Ferdinand I and Queen Eleanor of Portugal; it is the oldest treaty still in force.
1379    Treaty of Neuberg    Divides Habsburg lands between Dukes Albert III and Leopold III.
1380    Treaty of Dovydiškės    Jogaila signs a secret peace treaty with the Teutonic Knights against Kęstutis.
1382    Treaty of Dubysa[21]    Jogaila promises to convert the Grand Duchy of Lithuania to Christianity, cede Samogitia, and establish a four-year alliance with the Teutonic Knights; never comes into effect.
1385    Union of Krewo[22]    Establishes a dynastic union between Poland and Lithuania.
1386    Treaty of Windsor (1386)    Renews the Anglo-Portuguese Alliance.
1390    Treaty of Königsberg (1390)    Establishes alliance between Vytautas the Great and the Teutonic Order.
1397    Treaty of Kalmar    Establishes the Kalmar Union; becomes null and void in 1523.
1398    Treaty of Salynas    Vytautas the Great cedes Samogitia to the Teutonic Knights.

Year    Name    Summary
1401    Pact of Vilnius and Radom    Reaffirms the Union of Krewo and grants autonomy to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
1411    First Peace of Thorn    Ends the Polish–Lithuanian–Teutonic War.
1412    Treaty of Lubowla    Between Władysław II of Poland and Sigismund of Luxemburg, king of Hungary.
1412    Compromise of Caspe    Between the crowns of Aragon and Castile, ensuring the access of the royal House of Trastámara to the Aragonese crown, thus eventually uniting Spain.
1412    Treaty of 1412    Signed by the Swiss Confederation and Frederick IV, Duke of Austria, broken after 2 years by the Swiss.
1413    Union of Horodło[23]    Reaffirms the Union of Krewo and the Pact of Vilnius and Radom; permits Lithuania to have a separate Grand Duke and parliament.
1416    Ottoman–Venetian maritime treaty (1416)    Maritime trade rights to Republic of Venice
1420    Treaty of Troyes    Attempt to pass the French throne to England.
1422    Treaty of Melno    The Teutonic Knights relinquish Nieszawa to Poland and all claims to Samogitia and northern Lithuania to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania; Poland renounces claims to Pomerelia, Culmerland, and the Michelauer Land east of Culmerland.
1424    Edict of Wieluń    Outlaws Hussitism in the Kingdom of Poland.
1428    Treaty of Delft[24]    Ends hostilities between England and Flanders.
1431    Treaty of Medina del Campo (1431)    Peace between Portugal and Castile; ratified in Almeirim in 1432.
1432    Union of Grodno (1432)[25]    Reinforces the Polish–Lithuanian union.
1433    Truce of Łęczyca    Mitigates hostilities in the Polish–Teutonic War (1431–35) between the Kingdom of Poland and the Teutonic Order in Łęczyca.
1435    Treaty of Arras (1435)    Reconciles a longstanding feud between King Charles VII of France and Philip, Duke of Burgundy.
Peace of Brześć Kujawski    Ends the Polish–Teutonic War (1431–35).
1441    Treaty of Copenhagen (1441)[26]    Christopher of Bavaria crushed a great peasant rebellion in Northern Jutland; Baltic Sea is opened to Dutch traders.
1443    Treaty of Gyehae    Between the Joseon dynasty and Sō Clan (lord of Tsushima Island); controls Japanese piracy and legitimizes trade between Tsushima Island and a Korean port.
1444    Peace of Szeged[27]    Between the Kingdom of Hungary and the Ottoman Empire.
1454    Treaty of Lodi[28]    Peace between Milan, Florence and Venice.
Treaty of Cölln    State of the Teutonic Order pawns Neumark to Electorate of Brandenburg
1455    Treaty of Mewe    State of the Teutonic Order sells Neumark to Electorate of Brandenburg
1456    Treaty of Yazhelbitsy    Establishes peace between Vasili II and the people of Novgorod.
1460    Treaty of Ribe    Defines status of Schleswig and Holstein.
1462    Treaty of Westminster (1462)[29]    Divides Scotland between King Edward IV of England and the Earl of Douglas.
1464    Treaty of York (1464)    Aligns James III of Scotland with Yorkist England
1465    Treaty of Conflans[30]    Officially ends the Guerre folle (Mad War).
1466    Second Peace of Thorn (1466)[31]    Ends the Thirteen Years' War between Poland and the Teutonic Knights.
Treaty of Soldin (1466)    Duchy of Pomerania becomes a nominal fief of the Electorate of Brandenburg. Implementation failed, war ensued.
1468    Treaty of Péronne (1468)    Between Duke Charles I of Burgundy and King Louis XI of France.
1472    Treaty of Prenzlau    Declares Albert III, Elector of Brandenburg, ruler of Pomerania–Stettin.
1474    Treaty of Utrecht (1474)    Ends the Anglo-Hanseatic War between England and the Hanseatic League led by Lübeck and Danzig.
1475    Treaty of Picquigny    Louis XI pays Edward IV to stay in England and not pursue his claim to the French throne.
1478    Treaty of Brno (1478)    Divides Bohemian territories between Ladislaus II of Bohemia and Hungary and Matthias Corvinus.
1479    Peace of Olomouc    Ratifies the Treaty of Brno (1478).
Treaty of Alcáçovas[32]    Between the Kingdom of Castile and Portugal; ends the Castilian Civil War begun in 1474.
Treaty of Constantinople (1479)    Officially ends the fifteen-year war between Venice and the Ottoman Empire.
1482    Treaty of Fotheringhay    Edward IV of England undertook to place the Duke of Albany on his brother's throne of Scotland.
Treaty of Arras (1482)    Between King Louis XI of France and the governments of the Low Countries.
Treaty of Münsingen    Count Eberhard V reunites the divided county of Württemberg and declares it indivisible.
1484    Treaty of Bagnolo    Ends the War of Ferrara (1482–1484) between Ercole d'Este I and Pope Sixtus IV along with his Venetian allies.
1485    Treaty of Leipzig    Divides Saxony between Ernest, Elector of Saxony and Albert, Duke of Saxony.
1488    Treaty of Sablé[33]    Duke Francis I of Brittany becomes a vassal of King Charles VIII of France.
1489    Treaty of Medina del Campo (1489)    Primarily a marriage contract between Arthur Tudor and Catherine of Aragon.
Treaty of Frankfurt (1489)    Between Maximilian of Austria and the envoys of King Charles VIII of France.
Treaty of Dordrecht (1489)    Establishes an alliance between Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I and King Henry VII of England.
Treaty of Redon    Henry VII of England grants Lord Daubeney of Brittany 6000 English troops.
1490    Treaty of Woking (Okyng)    Between King Henry VII of England, and Queen Isabella I of Castile and King Ferdinand II of Aragon, by Ambassador in London, Dr Rodrigo Gonzalez de la Puebla; for the marriage of Catherine of Aragon to Arthur, Prince of Wales
1491    Peace of Pressburg (1491)    Defines the future succession of the Austrian and Hungarian kingdoms.
Treaty of Granada (1491)[34]    Relinquishes the sovereignty of the Moorish Kingdom of Granada to Spain.
1492    Peace of Etaples    Ends war between England and France.
1493    Treaty of Barcelona    France cedes Roussillon and Cerdagne to Spain in return for Spanish neutrality during its war with Italy.
Treaty of Senlis    France cedes the Duchy of Burgundy, the County of Artois, Picardy and the Low Countries to the House of Habsburg.
Treaty of Pyritz    preliminary end to the Brandenburg-Pomeranian conflict
1494    Treaty of Tordesillas    Divides the world between Spain and Portugal.
1496    Intercursus Magnus    Resolves some trade wars between England and the Netherlands.
1497    Treaty of Ayton    Seven year peace between England and Scotland under the arbitration of Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain.
1499    Treaty of Basel (1499)    Concludes the Swabian War fought between the Swabian League and the Old Swiss Confederacy.

Year    Name    Summary
1500    Treaty of Granada    King Ferdinand II of Aragon agrees to support French claims over the Kingdom of Naples.
1501    Treaty of Trente    Austria recognises all French conquests in northern Italy.
1502    Treaty of Perpetual Peace    Ends hostilities between England and Scotland; void in 1513.
1504    Treaty of Blois    Temporarily halts the Italian Wars.
Treaty of Lyons    Louis XII of France cedes Naples to Ferdinand II of Aragon.
1511    Treaty of Westminster    Treaty of alliance between Henry VIII of England and Ferdinand II of Aragon against France.
1516    Peace of Noyon    Divides Italy between France and Spain.
1517    Treaty of Rouen    Attempts to renew the Auld Alliance.
1518    Treaty of London    Establishes a non-aggression pact between France, England, Holy Roman Empire, the Papacy, Spain, Burgundy and the Netherlands.
1522    Treaty of Windsor    Between Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, and Henry VIII of England; its main clause was the invasion of France.
1524    Treaty of Malmö    Ends the Swedish War of Liberation.
1526    Treaty of Hampton Court    Establishes peace between France and England.
Treaty of Madrid    Temporarily ends French interests in Italy.
Alliance treaty between Geneva, Berne and Fribourg    Ending effective Savoy dynasty rule over Geneva. Geneva became part of the Swiss confederation The treaty was concluded on February 20 and ratified on March 12, 1526
Treaty of Berwick    Three year peace agreement between Scotland and England.
1527    Treaty of Westminster    Treaty of alliance between King Henry VIII of England and King Francis I of France against King Charles V of Spain.
1528    Treaty of Gorinchem    Between Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, and Duke Charles of Guelders.
1529    Treaty of Barcelona    Francis I, returns the Franche-Comté and promises to return the Duchy of Burgundy.
Treaty of Cambrai    Also known as the Paix des Dames (Ladies' Peace).
Treaty of Saragossa    Specifies the anti-meridian line of demarcation between Spanish and Portuguese imperial territories.
Treaty of Grimnitz    House of Hohenzollern and House of Pomerania agree on legal status and succession in the Duchy of Pomerania
1533    Treaty of Constantinople    Ends hostilities between the Ottoman Empire and the Archduchy of Austria.
1534    Treaty of Bassein    Sultan Bahadur of Gujarat cedes the Mumbai Islands and other territories to the Portuguese Empire.
1537    Treaty of Novgorod    Russo-Swedish truce
1538    Treaty of Nagyvárad[35]    Recognizes John Zápolya as the king of Hungary while Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor retains the western parts of the Hungarian Kingdom.
1541    First Treaty of Brömsebro    Between Denmark–Norway and Sweden.
1543    Treaty of Greenwich[36]    Contains two agreements that attempts to unite the Kingdom of England with the Kingdom of Scotland.
Treaty of Venlo    Duke Wilhelm of Jülich-Cleves-Berg cedes the territory of Guelders and the county of Zutphen to Holy Roman Emperor Charles V.
1544    Treaty of Speyer    Establishes peace between Denmark and the Holy Roman Empire.
Treaty of Crépy    Holy Roman Emperor Charles V relinquishes his claim to the Duchy of Burgundy and Francis I of France surrenders his claim to the Kingdom of Naples.
1551    Treaty of Weissenburg[37]    Declares Archduke Ferdinand of Austria king of Hungary and Transylvania.
1552    Peace of Passau    Holy Roman Emperor Charles V guarantees Lutheran religious freedoms to Protestants.
Treaty of Chambord    Maurice of Saxony cedes Toul, Verdun, and Metz to Henry II of France.
1555    Peace of Augsburg    Between Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, and the forces of the Schmalkaldic League.
Treaty of Amasya    Ends the war between Ottoman Turkey and Safavid Persia.
1556    Treaty of Vaucelles    King Henry I of France cedes Franche-Comté to King Philip II of Spain.
1557    Treaty of Novgorod    Russia and Sweden, ended the Russo-Swedish War (1554–1557)
Treaty of Pozvol    Livonia and Poland-Lithuania, triggered the Livonian War
1559    Peace of Cateau Cambrésis    Ends the Italian Wars.
Treaty of Vilna    Livonian War: Livonian–Polish–Lithuanian alliance
1560    Treaty of Edinburgh    England, Scotland, France: concludes Siege of Leith, attempts to end Auld Alliance.
1561    Treaty of Vilna    Livonian War: Livonian Order subordinated to Poland-Lithuania
1562    Edict of Saint-Germain[38]    Recognizes the existence of French Protestants and guarantees them freedom of conscience and private worship.
Treaty of Hampton Court    Establishes military and economic ties between Queen Elizabeth I of England and Huguenot leader Louis I de Bourbon.
1562    Treaty of Mozhaysk    Livonian War, Russo-Danish mutual assurance of their claims in Livonia
1563    Edict of Amboise    Ends the first phase of the French Wars of Religion.
1564    Treaty of Dorpat    Livonian War, Russo-Swedish mutual assurance of their claims in Livonia
1568    Peace of Longjumeau[39]    Ends the second phase of the French Wars of Religion; confirms the Edict of Amboise; expires in August 1568.
Treaty of Roskilde (1568)    peace between Lübeck, Denmark–Norway and Sweden during the Northern Seven Years' War, not ratified
1569    Union of Lublin    Unites the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania into a single state, the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth.
1570    Treaty of Stettin    Ends the Northern Seven Years' War.
Peace of Saint-Germain-en-Laye    Ends the third phase of the French Wars of Religion.
1572    Treaty of Blois    Queen Elizabeth I of England and Catherine de' Medici of France establish an alliance against Spain.
1573    Edict of Boulogne    Ends the fourth phase of the French Wars of Religion; gives Huguenots the right to worship in La Rochelle, Montauban, and Nîmes.
1576    Edict of Beaulieu[40]    Ends the fifth phase of the French Wars of Religion; Henry III of France gives the Huguenots the right of public worship.
Pacification of Ghent    Alliance of the provinces of the Netherlands against the Spanish.
1577    Treaty of Bergerac[41]    Ends the sixth phase of the French Wars of Religion; Huguenots can practice their faith only in the suburbs of one town in each judicial district.
Edict of 1577[42]    Provides for the removal of Spanish troops from the Netherlands; upholds Pacification of Ghent.
1579    Union of Atrecht    The southern states of the Spanish Netherlands express loyalty to the King of Spain.
Union of Utrecht    Unifies the northern states of the Netherlands.
1580    Treaty of Fleix[43]    Ends the seventh phase of the French Wars of Religion; recognizes previous treaties granting religious privileges to the Huguenots.
Treaty of Plessis-les-Tours    François, Duke of Anjou becomes sovereign of the Dutch Republic.
1582    Peace of Jam Zapolski    Ends the Livonian War between Poland and Muscovy.
1583    Treaty of Plussa    A truce between Russia and Sweden; ends the Livonian War (1558–1583).
1584    Treaty of Joinville    Forms a Catholic alliance between the French Catholic League and Habsburg Spain against Protestant forces such as Elizabeth I of England.
1585    Treaty of Nemours    Revokes previous concessions made to the Huguenots; instigates the War of the Three Henries.
Treaty of Nonsuch    England assists Dutch in the Eighty Years' War.
1586    Treaty of Berwick    Agreement of amity between Queen Elizabeth I of England and King James VI of Scotland.
1590    Treaty of Ferhat Paşa    Ends the war between Ottoman Turkey and Safavid Persia. Turkish control on Caucasus region.
1595    Treaty of Teusina[44]    Ends the Russo–Swedish War (1590–1595).
1598    Peace of Vervins    The Spanish withdraw from French territory.
Edict of Nantes    Henry IV of France grants French Protestants (or Huguenots) substantial rights in a nation still considered essentially Catholic.

Year    Name    Summary
1601    Treaty of Lyon (1601)    Henry IV of France acquires Bugey, Valromey, Gex, and Bresse.
1604    Treaty of London, 1604    Ends hostilities between England and Spain.
1606    Peace of Žitava[45]    Ends the Long War between the Ottoman Turkey and the Habsburg Monarchy.
Treaty of Vienna (1606)[46]    Restores all constitutional and religious rights/privileges to the Hungarians in both Transylvania and Royal Hungary.
1608    Treaty of Lieben    Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II surrenders Hungary, Austrian territories near the Danube River, and Moravia to his brother Matthias.
1609    Treaty of Antwerp (1609)[47]    Spain and the Netherlands agree to a 12-year truce.
1610    Treaty of Brussol[48]    Establishes a military alliance between Charles Emmanuel I and Henry IV of France against the Spanish in Italy.
1612    Treaty of Nasuh Pasha    Treaty between Ottoman Turkey and Safavid Persia Revision of 1590 treaty. Persia regained some of its loses in 1590.
1613    Treaty of Knäred    Ends the Kalmar War between Denmark and Sweden.
Two Row Wampum Treaty[49]    Treaty between the Iroquois and representatives of the Dutch government.
1614    Treaty of Xanten    Ends the War of the Jülich Succession.
1615    Peace of Asti    Duke Charles Emmanuel I of Savoy relinquishes claims on Monferrato.
Peace of Tyrnau    Recognizes Gábor Bethlen as the Prince of Transylvania.
Treaty of Serav    Ratifies the treaty of 1612 between Ottoman Turkey and Safavid Persia
1616    Treaty of Loudun    Ends hostilities between Queen Marie de' Medici and rebellious French princes led by Henry II, the third Prince of Condé.
1617    Treaty of Pavia    Savoy cedes Monferrato to Mantua.
Treaty of Stolbovo    Ends the Ingrian War between Sweden and Muscovy.
1618    Truce of Deulino[50]    Ends the Polish–Muscovite War (1605–18); expires in 1632.
1619    Treaty of Angoulême    Ends civil war in France between supporters of Queen Marie de' Medici and her son, King Louis XIII of France.
Treaty of Munich (1619)    Duke Maximilian of Bavaria allows Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand II to use his forces in exchange for territories in the Electorate of the Palatinate.
1620    Treaty of Ulm (1620)    The Protestant Union ceases its support of Frederick V of Bohemia.
1621    Peace of Nikolsburg[51]    Ends the war between Prince Gabriel Bethlen of Transylvania and Emperor Ferdinand II of the Holy Roman Empire.
Treaty of Madrid (1621)    Restores Valtelline to the Grisons and grants Protestants in the region religious freedoms.
Treaty of Khotyn    Between Ottoman Turkey and Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth.
Treaty of the Hague (1621)    A failed treaty of alliance between Denmark and the Dutch Republic
Treaty of Bremen    A failed treaty of commerce between Denmark and the Dutch Republic
1622    Treaty of Montpellier[52]    Between King Louis XIII of France and Duke Henry II of Rohan; confirms the Edict of Nantes.
1623    Treaty of Paris (1623)    France, Savoy, and Venice agree to have Spanish forces leave Valtelline.
1625    Treaty of The Hague (1625)    England and the Netherlands agree to economically support Christian IV of Denmark during the Thirty Years' War.
1626    Peace of Pressburg (1626)[16]    Ends the revolt against the Habsburgs.
Treaty of Monzón    France and Spain share equal rights in their control of Valtelline.
1627    Capitulation of Franzburg    Duchy of Pomerania occupied by Albrecht von Wallenstein's imperial army
1628    Treaty of Munich    Recognizes Duke Maximilian of Bavaria as a prince-elector; grants Maximilian control of the Upper Palatinate and the right bank of the Rhine River for thirty years.
1629    Edict of Restitution    Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand II attempts to reinforce the territorial and religious settlements made after the Peace of Augsburg.
Treaty of Lübeck    Denmark withdraws from the Thirty Years' War.
Truce of Altmark[53]    Ends hostilities between Sweden and the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth.
Peace of Alais[54]    Between the Huguenots and King Louis XIII of France; confirms the basic principles of the Edict of Nantes with additional clauses.
1630    Peace of Regensburg[55]    Temporarily halts the War of the Mantuan Succession.
Treaty of Stettin (1630)    The Duchy of Pomerania allies with and is occupied by the Swedish Empire
Treaty of Madrid (1630)    Ends English involvement in the Dutch Revolt.
1631    Treaty of Bärwalde    France and Sweden establish an alliance against the Holy Roman Empire.
Treaty of Cherasco    Ends the War of the Mantuan Succession.
Treaty of Munich (1631)    France and Bavaria establish a secret "Catholic" alliance.
1632    Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye (1632)    England returns New France (Quebec) to France.
Treaty of Ahmet Pasha    Short lived peace treaty, ends hostalities between the Ottoman Turkey and the Safavid Persia
1634    Treaty of Polyanovka[56]    Ends the Smolensk War between Poland and Muscovy.
1635    Peace of Prague (1635)    Between the Holy Roman Emperor, Ferdinand II, and most of the Protestant states of the Holy Roman Empire.
Treaty of Sztumska Wieś[57]    The Swedish Empire concedes territories to the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth.
1636    Treaty of Wismar    Establishes alliance between Sweden and France against the Habsburgs.
1638    Treaty of Hamburg (1638)    Confirms Treaty of Wismar; France pays Sweden 1,000,000 livres.
Treaty of Hartford    Cedes Pequot Indian lands to Connecticut River towns and outlaws Pequot settlement and the use of the Pequot language.
1639    Treaty of Berwick (1639)[58]    Ends the First Bishops' War between Charles I of England and the Scots.
Treaty of Zuhab[59]    Ends the war between Safavid Persia and the Ottoman Turkey. The borderline drawn by the treaty is still effective today.
Treaty of Asurar Ali    Establishes the boundary between the Mughals and the Ahom kingdom.
1640    Treaty of Ripon    Between Charles I of England and the Scots in the aftermath of the Second Bishops' War.
1642    Treaty of Axim (1642)    Regulates the jurisdiction of the Netherlands and the Dutch West India Company in the town and polity of Axim.
1643    Solemn League and Covenant    Between the Scottish Covenanters and the leaders of the English Parliamentarians.
1645    Second Treaty of Brömsebro (1645)[60]    Ends the Torstenson War between Sweden and Denmark–Norway.
1647    Truce of Ulm (1647)[61]    Forces Duke Maximilian of Bavaria to renounce his alliance with Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand II.
1648    Peace of Westphalia[62]    Ends the Thirty Years' War and the Eighty Years' War, and establishes the principle of the sovereignty of nations in use today.
Treaty of Concordia[63]    Divides the island of Saint Martin between France and the Netherlands.
1649    Peace of Rueil    Ends the opening episodes of the Fronde, France's civil war.
Treaty of Zboriv    Places three provinces of Ukraine under the control of the Cossacks.
1650    Treaty of Breda (1650)    Between Charles II of England and the Scottish Covenanters during the Wars of the Three Kingdoms.
Treaty of Hartford    Establishes boundary lines between New Amsterdam and English settlers in Connecticut.
1651    Treaty of Bila Tserkva    Establishes peace between the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Ukrainian Cossacks after the Battle of Berestechko.
1653    Treaty of Stettin (1653)    The Swedish Empire and Brandenburg partition Pomerania.
1654    Treaty of Pereyaslav    Between Muscovy and Cossack Hetmanate.
Treaty of Westminster (1654)    Ends the First Anglo-Dutch War.
1655    Treaty of Kėdainiai    Second Northern War – Grand Duchy of Lithuania becomes Swedish protectorate
Union of Kėdainiai    Second Northern War – Lithuanian–Swedish union
Treaty of Rinsk    Second Northern War – anti-Swedish alliance of Brandenburg-Prussia and Royal Prussian estates
1656    Treaty of Königsberg (1656)    Second Northern War – Duchy of Prussia and Ermland become Swedish fiefs.
Treaty of Marienburg    Second Northern War – alliance between Brandenburg-Prussia and Sweden
Treaty of Elbing    Second Northern War – Dutch-Swedish settlement of conflicts over Danzig (Gdańsk)
Treaty of Labiau    Second Northern War – Hohenzollerns become full souvereigns in Prussia and Ermland.
Truce of Vilna    Second Northern War / Russo-Polish War – Russo-Polish truce and alliance against Sweden
Treaty of Vienna (1656)    Second Northern War: 1st Habsburg–Polish alliance against Sweden
Treaty of Radnot    It envisaged a partition of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth; Transylvania enters the Second Northern War on the Swedish side
Treaty of Butre (1656)    Between the Gold Coast (West Africa) state of Ahanta and the States General and the Dutch West India Company, establishing a Dutch protectorate over Butre and Upper Ahanta.
1657    Treaty of Vienna (1657)    Second Northern War: 2nd Habsburg–Polish alliance against Sweden
Treaty of Wehlau    Second Northern War: Poland accepts Hohenzollerns as full souvereigns in Prussia, anti-Swedish alliance.
Treaty of Bromberg (Bydgoszcz)    Second Northern War – Wehlau confirmed and amended
Treaty of Paris (1657)    Establishes military alliance between England and France against Spain.
Treaty of Raalte    Willem II no longer is viceroy of Overijssel.
1658    Treaty of Hadiach    Between Poland and Cossack Hetmanate.
Treaty of Taastrup[64]    An accord that preceded the Treaty of Roskilde between Charles X Gustav of Sweden and King Frederick III of Denmark.
Treaty of Roskilde    Second Northern War: Denmark–Norway cedes territory ("Skåneland") to Sweden.
Treaty of Valiesar    Second Northern War: Sweden temporarily cedes territory to Russia, cession of hostilities.
1659    Treaty of the Pyrenees    Ends war between France and Spain.
Concert of The Hague (1659)    Second Northern War – Anglo-Franco-Dutch agreement regarding peace between Denmark and Swede
1660    Treaty of Copenhagen (1660)    Second Northern War – peace between Denmark and Sweden, restores Trondheim to Norway and Bornholm to Denmark.
Treaty of Oliva[65]    Second Northern War – peace between Sweden, Brandenburg-Prussia and Poland.
1661    Treaty of Cardis[66]    Second Northern War – peace between Sweden and Russia.
Treaty of Den Haag    The Dutch Empire recognizes Portuguese imperial sovereignty over Recife in Brazil.
1662    Treaty of Montmartre    Duke Charles IV gives to Louis XIV the throne to the Duchy of Lorraine.
1663    Treaty of Ghilajharighat    Between the Ahoms and the Mughal forces.
1664    Peace of Vasvár    Between the Austrian Habsburg Monarchy and the Ottoman Turkey after the Battle of Saint Gotthard; lasted until 1683.
1665    Treaty of Purandar (1665)[67]    Between Rajput Jai Singh and Shivaji Maharaj.
1667    Treaty of Breda (1667)    Ends the Second Anglo-Dutch War.
Treaty of Andrusovo    Ends the war between Muscovy and Poland-Lithuania.
Treaty of Bongaja    Sultan Hasanuddin of Makassar recognizes the influence of the Dutch East India Company (VOC) in Indonesian territories.
1668    First Triple Alliance    Alliance between England, the United Provinces and Sweden.
Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle (1668)    Ends the War of Devolution between Louis XIV of France and Habsburg Spain.
Treaty of Lisbon (1668)    Spain recognizes Portuguese sovereignty after the Portuguese Restoration War; Portugal cedes Ceuta to Spain.
1670    Secret Treaty of Dover    France helps England to rejoin the Roman Catholic Church and England assists France militarily against the Dutch Republic.
Treaty of Madrid (1670)    Between England and Spain.
Treaty of Copenhagen (1670)    An alliance and commercial treaty between Britain and Denmark-Norway, establishing terms of contraband and permitting Danish settlement of the Virgin Islands
1672    Treaty of Buczacz    Between the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth and Ottoman Turkey. Podolia under Turkish control.
1674    Treaty of Westminster (1674)    Ends the Third Anglo-Dutch War.
1675    Strasbourg Agreement (1675)    First international agreement banning the use of chemical weapons (i.e. poisoned bullets); signed between France and the Holy Roman Empire.
1676    Treaty of Żurawno    Between Ottoman Turkey and Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth Ratifies 1672 treaty.
1677    Treaty of 1677[68]    Native American tribes in Virginia swear fealty to the British Empire.
1678    Treaties of Nijmegen    Ends the Franco-Dutch War.
Treaty of Casco (1678)    Ends war between the eastern Native Americans and the English settlers of Massachusetts Bay Colony.
1679    Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye (1679)    Swedish Pomerania and Bremen-Verden restored to Sweden after the Scanian War
1681    Treaty of Bakhchisarai    Concludes the Russo-Turkish War (1676–1681); establishes a 20-year truce whereby the Dnieper River would separate the Ottoman Empire from Russian territories.
1684    Truce of Ratisbon    Ends War of Reunions between France and Spain
1686    Eternal Peace Treaty of 1686    Ends war between Muscovy and Poland.
1689    Treaty of Nerchinsk    Ends war between the Russian Empire and the Qing Dynasty of China.
1691    Treaty of Limerick    Ends the Williamite War in Ireland.
1697    Treaty of Ryswick    Ends the War of the Grand Alliance.
1698    Treaty of Den Haag (1698)[69]    Attempts to resolve the issue of who would inherit the Spanish throne.
1699    Treaty of Karlowitz[70]    Ends the war between the alliance consisting of Austria, Venice and Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth on one side and the Ottoman Turkey on the other side.
Treaty of Preobrazhenskoye    Denmark, Russia, Saxony, and the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth divide Swedish territories.

Year    Name    Summary
1700    Treaty of London[71]    An attempt to restore the Pragmatic Sanction following the death of Duke Joseph Ferdinand of Bavaria.
Treaty of Constantinople    Establishes peace between Russia and the Ottoman Empire.
Peace of Travendal    Temporary peace between the Swedish Empire and Denmark–Norway during the Great Northern War.
1701    Great Peace of Montreal    Establishes peace between New France and the 39 First Nations of North America.
Treaty of The Hague (1701)    England, Austria, the United Provinces, and the Holy Roman Empire establish a defensive alliance against France.
1703    Methuen Treaty    Between Portugal and the Kingdom of England.
1704    Treaty of Ilbersheim    Removes Bavaria from the War of the Spanish Succession.
Treaty of Narva    Great Northern War: Saxon–Polish–Lithuanian–Russian alliance.
1705    Treaty of Warsaw    Great Northern War: Polish–Lithuanian–Swedish alliance.
1705    Treaty of Genoa    War of the Spanish Succession: English–Catalan alliance.
1706    Treaty of Altranstädt    Great Northern War – peace between Augustus the Strong, king of Poland and elector of Saxony, and Charles XII of Sweden. Augustus resigns as king.
1707    Treaty of Union    Unites the Kingdoms of England and Scotland to create the Kingdom of Great Britain.
Treaty of Altranstädt (1707)    Emperor Joseph I guarantees to Charles XII religious tolerance and liberty of conscience for Silesian Protestants.
1709    Treaty of Thorn (1709)    Great Northern War: Saxon–Polish–Lithuanian-Russian alliance.
Treaty of Copenhagen (1709)    Great Northern War: Russo-Danish alliance
1710    Capitulation of Estonia and Livonia    Great Northern War: Estonian and Livonian estates and towns surrender to Russia.
Treaty of Hanover (1710)    Great Northern War: Hanoveranian–Russian alliance.
1711    Treaty of Szatmár[72]    Ends the Kuruc Rebellion led by Francis II Rákóczi.
Treaty of Pruth    Between Ottoman Turkey and Russia Russia loses some territories and grants a free passage for Charles XII of Sweden.
1713    Treaty of Utrecht    Ends the War of the Spanish Succession.
Treaty of Portsmouth    Ends Queen Anne's War hostilities between the Abenakis and the Province of Massachusetts Bay.
Treaty of Schwedt    Great Northern War: Russo-Prussian alliance
1714    Treaty of Baden    Ends hostilities between France and the Holy Roman Empire and also ends the War of the Spanish Succession.
Treaty of Rastatt    Ends the War of the Spanish Succession; hostilities between Louis XIV of France and Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI cease.
1715    Treaty of Stettin (1715)    Great Northern War: Hanoveranian–British–Prussian alliance
Treaty of Berlin (1715)    Great Northern War: Hanoveranian–British–Danish–Norwegian alliance
Treaty of Greifswald    Great Northern War: Hanoveranian–British–Russian alliance
1717    Second Triple Alliance    Alliance between Kingdom of Great Britain, the United Provinces and France.
1718    Treaty of Passarowitz[73]    Ends the war between Austria and the Ottoman Empire.
1720    Treaty of Den Haag[74]    Spain abandons her claims in Italy after the War of the Quadruple Alliance.
Treaty of Frederiksborg    Ends Great Northern War between Sweden and Denmark–Norway.
Treaty of Stockholm    Ends the Great Northern War between Sweden, Hanover and Brandenburg-Prussia
1721    Treaty of Nystad    Ends the Great Northern War between Sweden and Russia.
1725    Treaty of Hanover    Establishes a military alliance between Great Britain, France, Prussia, Sweden, the Netherlands and Denmark against Spain.
Treaty of Vienna    Ends Austrian claims to the Spanish throne; Austria helps Spain to reacquire Gibraltar from the British.
1727    Treaty of Kyakhta    Redefines boundaries between Russia and China.
1729    Treaty of Seville (1729)    Britain maintains control over Port Mahon and Gibraltar.
1731    Treaty of Vienna (1731)    Verifies the Quadruple Alliance between the Holy Roman Empire, Britain, the Dutch Empire, and Spain.
1732    Löwenwolde's Treaty[75]    Establishes a joint policy between Austria, the Russian Empire, and Prussia pertaining to the succession of the Polish throne.
Treaty of Rasht    Ends Russian claims over Persian territories.
1733    Treaty of Turin (1733)    Secret treaty between France and the Duke of Savoy for military alliance prior to War of the Polish Succession.
Treaty of the Escorial    First of the Bourbon Family Compacts between France and Spain, agreeing to mutual defense and military alliance in the conquest of Italian territories held by the Habsburgs.
1736    Treaty of Constantinople (1736)    Ends hostilities between the Ottoman Empire and Safavid Persia
1738    Treaty of Vienna (1738)    Ends the War of the Polish Succession.
1739    Treaty of El Pardo (1739)    Spain and the United Kingdom settle their respective claims to American navigation and trade.
Treaty of Niš (1739)    Ends the war between Russia and the Ottoman Empire.
Treaty of Belgrade    Ends the war between Austria and the Ottoman Empire.
1740    Treaty of Friendship and Alliance      Between the Miskito nation and Kingdom of Great Britain.
1742    Treaty of Berlin (1742)    Ends First Silesian War.
Treaty of Breslau    Ends First Silesian War.
Convention of Turin    Ends Austria and Sardinia promise to assist each other against Spain.
1743    Treaty of Åbo[76]    Ends the Hats' Russian War.
Treaty of Worms (1743)    Establishes political alliance between the Kingdom of Great Britain, Austria and Sardinia.
1745    Treaty of Dresden    Austria confirms the loss of Silesia to Prussia after the Second Silesian War.
Treaty of Fontainebleau (1745)    Establishes a military alliance between Louis XV of France and Charles Edward Stuart against George II of Great Britain.
Treaty of Füssen    Ends Bavaria's support of the French in the War of the Austrian Succession.
1746    Treaty of Kerden    Ends hostalities between Ottoman Turkey and Afsharid Iran
1748    Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle (1748)    Ends the War of the Austrian Succession.
1750    Treaty of Madrid (13 January 1750)    Defines the boundaries of the Spanish and the Portuguese colonies in South America, replacing the Treaty of Tordesillas.
1752    Treaty of Aranjuez (1752)    Recognizes Spanish and Austrian interests in Italy.
1755    Treaty of Giyanti[77]    Divides the Sultanate of Mataram between Prince Mangkubumi and Pakubuwono III.
1756    Treaty of Westminster (1756)    Treaty of neutrality between Prussia and the British Empire.
1757    Treaty of Alinagar    Between the British East India Company and the Nawab of Bengal.
1758    Treaty of Easton    Native Americans agree not to fight the British during the French and Indian War.
1761    Treaty of El Pardo (1761)    Nullifies the Treaty of Madrid (13 January 1750).
1762    Treaty of Fontainebleau (1762)    A secret agreement whereby France cedes Louisiana to Spain.
Treaty of Saint Petersburg (1762)    Ends the Seven Years' War between Russia and Prussia.
Treaty of Hamburg (1762)    Between Prussia and Sweden after Russia breaks its alliance with Prussia.
1763    Treaty of Hubertusburg    Ends the Seven Years' War.
First Treaty of Paris[78]
1765    Treaty of Allahabad    Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II grants Diwani rights to the British East India Company.
1766    Treaty of Batticaloa[79]    King Keerthisiri Rajasinghe of Kandy recognizes Dutch imperial possessions in Sri Lanka.
1768    Treaty of Fort Stanwix    In North America, the boundary established by the Proclamation of 1763 is moved west.
Treaty of Masulipatam    Confirms the conquest of the state of Hyderabad by the British.

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