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description: 700 BC: Homer composes The Iliad, an epic poem that represents the first piece of European literature.440 BC: Herodotus defends Athenian political freedom in the Histories.323 BC: Alexander the Great ...
700 BC: Homer composes The Iliad, an epic poem that represents the first piece of European literature.
440 BC: Herodotus defends Athenian political freedom in the Histories.
323 BC: Alexander the Great dies and his Macedonian Empire fragments.
44 BC: Julius Caesar is murdered. The Roman Republic enters its terminal crisis.
27 BC: Establishment of the Roman Empire under Octavian.

293: Diocletian reorganizes the Empire by creating the Tetrarchy.
330: Constantine makes Constantinople into his capital, a new Rome.
365: There is a single catastrophic earthquake near Crete, or an amalgamation of a number of earthquakes between 350 and 450.
395: Following the death of Theodosius I, the Empire is permanently split into the Eastern Roman Empire (later Byzantium) and the Western Roman Empire.
476: Odoacer captures Ravenna and the Western Roman Empire ends.
597: Christianization of Anglo-Saxon England
527: Justinian I is crowned emperor of Byzantium. Corpus Juris Civilis, Digest (Roman law).
600: Saint Columbanus uses the term "Europe" in a letter.
655: Jus patronatus.
722: Battle of Covadonga in the Iberian Peninsula. Pelayo, a noble Visigoth, defeats a Muslim army that tried to conquer the Cantabrian coast. This helps establish the Christian Kingdom of Asturias, and marks the beginning of the Reconquista.
732: At the Battle of Tours, the Franks stop the advance of the Arabs into Europe.
800: Coronation of Charlemagne as Holy Roman Emperor.
813: Third Council of Tours: Priests are ordered to preach in the native language of the population.
843: Treaty of Verdun.
863: Saints Cyril and Methodius arrive in Great Moravia.
872: Unification of Norway.
895: Hungarian people led by Árpád start to settle in the Carpathian Basin.
962: Otto I of East Francia is crowned as "Emperor" by the Pope, beginning the Holy Roman Empire.
1054: Start of the East–West Schism, which divides the Christian church for centuries.
1066: Successful Norman Invasion of England by William the Conqueror.
1095: Pope Urban II calls for the First Crusade.
12th century: The 12th century in literature saw an increase in the number of texts. The Renaissance of the 12th century occurs.
1128: Battle of São Mamede, formation of Portuguese sovereignty.
1248: Pope Innocent IV gave the unique privilege of using the Glagolitic alphabet in the liturgy.
1303: The period of the Crusades is over.
1309–1378: The Avignon Papacy
1315–1317: The Great Famine of 1315–1317 in Northern Europe
1341: Petrarch, the "Father of Humanism", becomes the first Poet Laureate since antiquity.
1337–1453: The Hundred Years' War
1340: Black Death kills a third of Europe's population.
1439: Johannes Gutenberg invents first printing press starting the Printing Revolution.
1453: Fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks.
1492: A Spanish expeditionary group, commanded by Christopher Columbus, lands in the New World. The Reconquista ends in the Iberian Peninsula.
1497: Vasco da Gama departs to India starting direct trade with Asia.
1498: Leonardo da Vinci paints The Last Supper in Milan, as the Renaissance flourishes.
1508: Maximilian I the last ruling "King of the Romans" and the first "elected Emperor of the Romans".
1517: Martin Luther nails his demands for Reformation to the door of the church in Wittenberg.
1519: Ferdinand Magellan and Juan Sebastián Elcano begin first global circumnavigation. Their expedition returns in 1522.
1519: Hernán Cortés begins conquest of Mexico for Spain.
1532: Francisco Pizarro begins conquest of Peru for Spain.
1543: Nicolaus Copernicus publishes De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres).
1547: The Grand Duchy of Moscow becomes the Tsardom of Russia.
1582: The introduction of the Gregorian calendar.
1608: Hans Lippershey designs first practical telescope.
1610: Galileo Galilei discovers the moons of Jupiter.
1648: The Peace of Westphalia ends the Thirty Years' War.
1687: Isaac Newton published Principia Mathematica.
1699: Treaty of Karlowitz concludes the Austro-Ottoman War. This marks the end of Ottoman control of Central Europe and the beginning of Ottoman stagnation, establishing the Habsburg Monarchy as the dominant power in Central and Southeastern Europe.
1707: The Kingdom of Great Britain is formed by the union of the Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of Scotland.
1712: Thomas Newcomen invents first practical steam engine which begins Industrial Revolution in England.
1721: Foundation of the Russian Empire.
1775: James Watt invents a new efficient steam engine accelerating the Industrial Revolution in England.
1784: Immanuel Kant publishes Answering the Question: What is Enlightenment?. Age of Enlightenment.
1786: The Duchy of Tuscany becomes the first state in the modern era to completely abolish the death penalty.
1789: The French Revolution.
1807: The Slave Trade Act is passed by the British Parliament on 25 March 1807, making the slave trade illegal throughout the British Empire.
1815: Following the defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte by the Duke of Wellington at the Battle of Waterloo, the Treaty of Vienna is signed.
1825: George Stephenson opens the Stockton and Darlington Railway the first steam train railway for passenger traffic in the world.
1833: Slavery abolished throughout the British Empire
1836: Louis Daguerre invents first practical photographic method – in effect the first camera.
1838: SS Great Western, the first steamship purpose-built for regularly scheduled trans-Atlantic crossings, enters service.
1848: Revolutions of 1848 and publication of The Communist Manifesto.
1852: Start of the Crimean War, which ends in 1855.
1861: Unification of Italy after victories by Giuseppe Garibaldi.
1866: First commercially successful transatlantic telegraph cable is completed.
1859: Charles Darwin publishes On the Origin of Species.
1860s: Russia emancipates its serfs and Karl Marx completes the first volume of Das Kapital.
1870: Franco-Prussian War and the fall of the Second French Empire.
1871: Unification of Germany under the direction of Otto von Bismarck.
1873: Panic of 1873 occurs. The Long Depression begins.
1885: Karl Benz invents Benz Patent-Motorwagen, the world's first automobile.
1885: First permanent city-wide electrical tram system in Europe (in Sarajevo).
1895: Auguste and Louis Lumière begin exhibitions of projected films before the paying public with their cinematograph, a portable camera, printer, and projector.
1898: The NW First Truck is manufactured.
1899: In Budapest, a 1.5 km long test track with three-phase electric power for electric railways is put into operation.
1902: Guglielmo Marconi sends first transatlantic radio transmission.
1905: Albert Einstein publishes his theory of special relativity and E = mc2.
1914: Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria is assassinated in Sarajevo and World War I begins.
1917: Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks seize power in the Russian Revolution. The ensuing Russian Civil War lasts until 1922.
1918: World War I ends with the defeat of Germany and the Central Powers.
1922: Benito Mussolini and the Fascists take power in Italy.
1926: John Logie Baird gives the world's first demonstration of a working television system.
1933: Adolf Hitler and the Nazis take power in Germany
1936: Start of the Spanish Civil War, which lasts until 1939.
1939: Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin agree partition of Poland in Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact.
1939: Germany invades Poland, starting World War II.
1940: Great Britain under Winston Churchill become the last nation to hold out against the Nazis after winning the Battle of Britain
1941: Germany invades the Soviet Union in Operation Barbarossa.
1942: Nazi Germany commences the Final Solution, an attempted genocide of the Jews.
1943: After Stalingrad and Kursk, Soviet forces begin recapturing Nazi-occupied territory in the East.
1944: US, British and Canadian armed forces invade Nazi-occupied France at Normandy.
1945: World War II ends with Europe in ruins and Germany defeated.
1947: The British Empire begins to be voluntarily dismantled with the granting of independence to India and Pakistan.
1949: The military alliance NATO is established.
1950: The Schuman Declaration begins the process of European integration.
1954: The French Empire begins to be dismantled after suffering defeat at Dien Bien Phu in Vietnam.
1956: Hungarian Uprising defeated by Soviet military forces.
1957: Treaties of Rome establish the European Economic Community from 1958.
1968: The May 1968 protests in France lead France to the brink of revolution.
1968: The Prague Spring is defeated by Warsaw Pact military forces. The Club of Rome is founded.
1980: The Solidarność movement under Lech Wałęsa begins opposition to the Communist government in Poland.
1985: Mikhail Gorbachev becomes leader of the Soviet Union and begins reforms which inadvertently lead to the fall of Communism and the Soviet Union.
1989: Communism overthrown in all the Warsaw Pact countries except the Soviet Union. The Berlin Wall is torn down.
1990: German reunification.
1991: Breakup of Yugoslavia.
1991: Dissolution of the Soviet Union.
1991: Tim Berners-Lee invents the World Wide Web, a vital part of the Internet.
1993: Treaty of Maastricht establishes the European Union.
2002: End of modern European colonial empires with the independence of Portuguese Timor.
2004: Slovenia, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Cyprus and Malta join the European Union.
2007: Romania and Bulgaria join the European Union.
2008: The Great Recession begins. Unemployment rises in some parts of Europe.
2013: Croatia joins the European Union.

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