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List of regular polytopes

2014-3-16 17:02| view publisher: amanda| views: 1002| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: This page lists the regular polytopes in Euclidean, spherical and hyperbolic spaces. The Schläfli symbol notation describes every regular polytope, and is used widely below as a compact reference nam ...
This page lists the regular polytopes in Euclidean, spherical and hyperbolic spaces. The Schläfli symbol notation describes every regular polytope, and is used widely below as a compact reference name for each.

The regular polytopes are grouped by dimension and subgrouped by convex, nonconvex and infinite forms. Nonconvex forms use the same vertices as the convex forms, but have intersecting facets. Infinite forms tessellate a one lower dimensional Euclidean space.

Infinite forms can be extended to tessellate a hyperbolic space. Hyperbolic space is like normal space at a small scale, but parallel lines diverge at a distance. This allows vertex figures to have negative angle defects, like making a vertex with 7 equilateral triangles and allowing it to lie flat. It cannot be done in a regular plane, but can be at the right scale of a hyperbolic plane.

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