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Personal identity

2014-3-30 17:39| view publisher: amanda| views: 1| wiki( 0 : 0

description: Main article: Personal identityPersonal identity is the unique identity of persons through time. That is to say, the necessary and sufficient conditions under which a person at one time and a person a ...
Main article: Personal identity
Personal identity is the unique identity of persons through time. That is to say, the necessary and sufficient conditions under which a person at one time and a person at another time can be said to be the same person, persisting through time. In the modern philosophy of mind, this concept of personal identity is sometimes referred to as the diachronic problem of personal identity. The synchronic problem is grounded in the question of what features or traits characterize a given person at one time.

Identity is an issue for both continental philosophy[citation needed] and analytic philosophy.[citation needed] A key question in continental philosophy is in what sense we can maintain the modern conception of identity, while realizing many of our prior assumptions about the world are incorrect.[citation needed]

Proposed solutions to the problem of personal identity include: continuity of the physical body, continuity of an immaterial mind or soul, continuity of consciousness or memory,[citation needed] the bundle theory of self,[citation needed] continuity of personality after the death of the physical body,[5] and proposals that there are actually no persons or selves which persist over time at all.[citation needed]
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