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In pseudoscience

2014-3-26 00:53| view publisher: amanda| views: 1006| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: ParapsychologyParapsychology is the scientific study of certain types of paranormal phenomena, or of phenomena which appear to be paranormal, for instance precognition, telekinesis and telepathy.The t ...
Parapsychology is the scientific study of certain types of paranormal phenomena, or of phenomena which appear to be paranormal,[58] for instance precognition, telekinesis and telepathy.

The term is based on the Greek para (beside/beyond), psyche (soul/mind), and logos (account/explanation) and was coined by psychologist Max Dessoir in or before 1889.[59] J. B. Rhine later popularized "parapsychology" as a replacement for the earlier term "psychical research", during a shift in methodologies which brought experimental methods to the study of psychic phenomena.[59] Parapsychology is controversial, with many scientists believing that psychic abilities have not been demonstrated to exist.[60][61][62][63][64] The status of parapsychology as a science has also been disputed,[65] with many scientists regarding the discipline as pseudoscience.[66][67][68]
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