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Special Prayer Meeting

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description: Monthly, MCGI leaders deliver the topic for the Prayer Meeting live and in full. It also serves as an additional avenue where they can discuss some Church matters with the brethren. The event is sched ...
Monthly, MCGI leaders deliver the topic for the Prayer Meeting live and in full. It also serves as an additional avenue where they can discuss some Church matters with the brethren. The event is scheduled every first Tuesday of the month. The first service begins at sunset. [21]
The church has been holding its "Pulong" during its early years where Bro. Eli would move from one town to another to conduct Bible studies (usually three towns every night). From the Pampanga area, the group’s main seat, he reached out to the provinces of Bulacan, Rizal, Nueva Ecija, Bataan, and Metro Manila to do his missionary works. However, Bro. Eli calculated that his lifetime is not enough to reach Filipinos in distant regions even with his nightly town-to-town preaching, so he decided to go on air.
In the last quarter of 1980, the Church launched the radio program Ang Dating Daan, hosted by the church's Presiding Minister, Eliseo Soriano. Through the local radio station DWWA 1260 kHz, ADD was heard in many parts of the Philippine Archipelago. The program became popular more than any other religious program in the country because of its live question and answer portion. The first of its kind, the uncensored Q&A format became the trademark of Ang Dating Daan.
In 1983, the program kicked off its national television appearance through Intercontinental Broadcasting Channel 13. Over the years, it has gained loyalty from its viewers that when it later moved from station to station due to some concerns, people followed it. Ang Dating Daan as a program in radio made its stint in RJTV 29 (now 2nd Avenue), PTV 4, SBN 21 (now ETC), and now UNTV. Ang Dating Daan or The Old Path was derived from Jeremiah 6:16.
In 1993, the Church introduced what is now the popular Bible exposition. Daniel Razon, an Officer-in-Charge then, now the Vice-Presiding Minister of the Church, proposed and organized a social event where guests could dine together and ask Bro. Eli matters concerning faith and spirituality. The event, done off-camera, was a success that paved the way for Bible Expositions in larger venues. The first local Bible exposition was held in Roosevelt, Manila also in 1993. It was televised in the Philippine provinces through the Ang Dating Daan program. Bible expositions then became a regular segment of the program that attracted more viewers.[22]
Doctrines and Beliefs
We believe in the Almighty God, the Father, the Creator of the universe, in Christ Jesus, the Father’s Begotten Son, a true and Mighty God, the only Savior of mankind and the only way to the Kingdom of God in heaven (cf Acts 14:15; 1 Corinthians 8:5-7; John 14:6; 14:1). We believe that Christ descended on earth from the bosom of the Father, suffered for the redemption of sin, died on the cross, resurrected after three days, ascended to heaven and sat on the right side of God.
— Section 1 & 6, Article 2 of MCGI By-Laws
There is God, (God of Israel) or God the Father who is the Creator of the universe with Christ, the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ. God cannot lie,[23] God is not omniscient (he doesn't foreknow all future human actions and choices), and God is not omnipresent (he created hell but he is not there).
Jesus Christ is God the Father's only begotten son (in Romanized Greek: monogenestheos). He is the Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Prince of Peace referred in Isaiah 9:6. He is recognized as the Apostle, High Priest and Mediator of the church. He is the sent savior of mankind and the way, the truth and the life.[24]
The Holy Spirit came from the Father and part of the Godhead.
About Bible
We believe that only the Bible or the Holy Scriptures, composed of 66 inspired books, teaches the full wisdom of God for the salvation of man and that no other book should be used as basis for serving God and Christ Jesus (Romans 1:16-17; 2:16; Galatians 1:8-9; 2 Thessalonians 1:1-9; John 20:31; Isaiah. 34:16; John 5:39).
— Section 2, Article 2 of MCGI By-Laws
About the Church
The Members Church of God International affiliates to the only true church of God first preached in Jerusalem during the 1st century AD and brings the message of salvation to the world. The church of God is the Kingdom of God on earth and is necessary for one's salvation. Those who have heard of the gospel and of the church must join this church in order to be saved.
We believe that God the Father sent His son Jesus Christ, instrumental in the establishment of the CHURCH OF GOD INTERNATIONAL, INC., the congregation of the Apostles, Prophets, Teachers, and others; first planted in the city of Jerusalem, and later on scattered, and preached in by the Apostles in different places of Asia Minor (Matthew 16:18; Acts 8:1; Galatians 1:22; 1 Thessalonians 2:14). We believe that the Gentile nations, including the Philippines, are partakers of the promise, of ETERNAL LIFE through belief in Christ Jesus and the Gospel, and are not authorized by God TO ESTABLISH THEIR OWN CHURCH, but are members associated with the same body or Church written in the Gospel by accepting and executing the doctrines written by the Apostles (Ephesians 3:6; Colossians 1:18; 1 John 2:25; 1:3-4; I Corinthians 12:27; Psalm 127:1; 1 Timothy 3:15). We believe that God is calling His people with determination to serve Him, bringing them in His fold, teaching them righteousness after baptism for their sins to be covered by the priceless blood of Christ poured in Mount Calvary, for the redemption of sin, to make them qualify for life eternal in heaven (1 Corinthians 1: 9, 2; Ephesians 4:1,10,14; Acts 2:38; Philippians 1:27; 1 Pet. 1:15-16; Ephesians 2:10; 1 Thessalonians 1:1).
— According to the Section 3, 4 & 5, Article 2 of MCGI by-laws
The official name of the true church in the Bible is just Church of God.[25]
Some of the laws of Moses, the 10 Commandments including Shabbat and tithing have been abolished and replaced with the laws of Christ in the New Testament.
Salvation may only be promised by following all the laws in the New Testament. However, a person can be saved even though he has not heard of the Gospel. He shall be judged by God according to his conscience.
The establishment of the Members Church of God International in the Philippines is the fulfillment of Zachariah 8:3, Isaias 24:15 and among other prophecies in the Bible because geographically, the Philippines is an archipelago located in the Southeast.
Zechariah 13:7-9 was fulfilled in the Members Church of God International when the Iglesia ng Diyos kay Kristo Hesus Haligi at Suhay ng Katotohanan, founded by Nicholas Perez, split into three sects: Levita Gugulan's group, Filomeno Hizon's group and Eliseo Soriano's group.
Women are forbidden to lead the church.[14]
Congregational Services and Prayer
The service involves singing hymns, hearing sermons, offering prayers, and giving to the church. Bending the knees, facing the ground ("panikluhod") is the posture of prayer observed throughout the service.
We believe that all Christian believers should always attend the divine service executed by the administrator of the members of the church or of the congregation every first day of the week, wherein they should sing hymns, hear sermons, offer prayers and alms which is always voluntary according to one’s faith (Hebrew 10:25; Acts 20:7; 1 Corinthians 14:28: Acts 1:14; 1 Corinthians 16:3; 2 Corinthians 9:7-8, 12-13).
— Section 7, Article 2 of the MCGI by-laws
Members are required to be modest in dress and grooming. Women are prohibited from cutting their hair and wearing expensive jewelry, and denim pants, while men are prohibited to have long hair. They are strictly prohibited from drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, using drugs, and gambling.
Indoctrination classes are required prior to joining the organization. The classes are composed of 7 lessons concerning church doctrines prepared by Eliseo Soriano. Indoctrinees must fully accept the doctrines taught during the indoctrination, then they will be baptized.[26]
Miscellaneous Beliefs
The Whore of Babylon in Revelation represents the Catholic Church. The Beast of Revelation is the papacy because the pope's alleged title Vicarius Filii Dei adds up to 666 and is allegedly engraved on the papal tiara.[27] The mark of the beast is the sign of the cross. The Roman Catholic Church, however, claims that Vicarius Filii Dei is not an official title of the pope and there is no evidence that Vicarius Filli Dei is inscribed on papal tiara[28]
The Last Supper should not be commemorated literally. The bread symbolizes the teachings of Jesus and the cup of wine symbolizes the sufferings that Christians must accept.
The Bible does condemn the hormonally imbalanced persons or the gays and the lesbians. The Sodomites are heterosexuals who practice homosexual sex due to their perversion. However, homosexuals are prohibited from having intercourse.
The soul is a combination of spirit (breath of life) and body including the emotions, memory, faculties. When a person dies, his soul is in the hands of God and will be restored in the resurrection to face judgement.
Jesus had younger brothers and sisters.
The Age of the Earth is 4.55 ± 0.05 billion years.
Membership is conferred through immersion baptism of adults. The word baptize was derived from the Greek word baptizo, which means “immersing.” Baptize, in Strong’s Hebrew and Greek Dictionaries, means “to make whelmed (that is fully wet); used only (in the New Testament) of ceremonial ablution, especially (technically) of the ordinance of Christian baptism: - baptist, baptize, wash.”
Baptism is a key part in their doctrines. More details concerning baptism is discussed during the indoctrination sessions, which a person is required to undergo before being baptized. The church rejects Infant baptism. Members who are not living in accordance with the church's teachings may be excommunicated or expelled from the Church.[29]
The MCGI keeps its formal number of members but does not openly reveal it. Thousands of local chapters are scattered throughout the Philippines and abroad because of increasing number of membership through mass baptisms which gained an average of 5,000 monthly.[30]
Some self-styled Mainline Protestant writers and Roman Catholic apologetics criticize the group due to their rejection of the belief about the Holy Trinity, believing that only the leaders of the church understand the Bible, that Jesus Christ is a Mighty God but not the Almighty God, and that God the Father is not Omniscient, Omnipresent, or Omnipotent.
The Bereans Apologetics Research Ministry based in the Philippines claims that Soriano does not employ correct tactics in debates. They further claim that Soriano, being a skilled heckler, annoys and harasses the opposing party to the point where he either abandons his position, or leaves the debate. Soriano and his followers can then claim victory.
Propagation, missionary and charity works

Different logos of the Members Church of God International's programs and services.

La Verdad College, Apalit, Pampanga.
The church uses radio, television and the World Wide Web in its missionary and propagation labors. Flagship program Ang Dating Daan is primarily hosted by Eliseo Soriano, the Church Presiding Minister. The flagship program currently airs in 73 countries worldwide including United States, Brazil, Portugal (as "O Caminho Antigo"), Spain (as "El Camino Antiguo"), India, South Africa, Saipan and Canada.[20] Soriano also hosts his own Livestream channel, where he broadcasts his Bible preaching shows.
Aside from free channels in the Philippines, MCGI airs English-format programs such as Biblically Speaking, Truth in Focus and Bible Guide through the TOP (The Old Path) Channel, carried by satellite and direct-to-home (DTH) service provider, GlobeCast. TOP Channel is available in the United States and Canada.
MCGI is also a strong partner to the foundation that Eliseo Soriano and Daniel Razon helped establish, the Kamanggagawa Foundation (Co-Worker Foundation). Through the foundation, MCGI is able to serve many people with public charity projects that are matchless in terms of the frequency where social welfare assistance that are costly and hard to maintain are offered. Its own charitable arm, ADD Foundation, provides outreaches for its many poor and low-income members by giving medical to legal assistance, and many such services.
Among these humanitarian services are the charity homes for the senior citizens and orphaned children and teenagers; transient homes; medical missions; full college scholarship; start-up capital for livelihood projects; vocational trainings for the differently-abled; free legal assistance; free bus, jeepney, and train rides for commuters and senior citizens, and; and free Bible for everyone.
MCGI partners with UNTV, through the TV program Good Morning Kuya hosted by Vice-Presiding Minster Daniel Razon, provides various public service projects through free clinics and free bus rides. Also, Daniel Razon has been spearheading many projects for the indigent countrywide. These include "Clinic ni Kuya", a free clinic located in the UNTV studio, a free Transient house for the homeless in Quezon City & Apalit, Pampanga and a free College school simultaneous in Apalit, Pampanga & Caloocan City.[31][32][33] [34]
In its effort to save lives, MCGI is now the number one blood donor in the Philippines acknowledged by the Philippine National Red Cross.[35]

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