by the United Nations Statistics Division's subregions (see also: UN geoscheme for Europe): Eastern Europe – the UN includes North Asia (aka Siberia) and Central Europe in this subregion Northern Europe – the UN includes the British Isles in this subregion Southern Europe Western Europe – the UN includes Germany and other DACH countries in this subregion by economy: European Economic Area European Union Customs Union European Union Eurasian Economic Community CISFTA Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia European Free Trade Association Central European Free Trade Agreement by geology: Baltic shield East European craton Ukrainian Shield by peninsula: Balkan Peninsula Iberian Peninsula Italian Peninsula Scandinavian Peninsula by culture: The Balkans Western Balkans Baltic States Benelux Belgium The Netherlands Luxembourg British Isles The Caucasus The North Caucasus The South Caucasus Central Europe DACH Germany (aka Deutschland) Austria Switzerland (aka Confoederatio Helvetica) Latin Europe Nordic countries Fennoscandia Scandinavia Lapland Visegrád Group by religions: Western religion (aka Abrahamic religions or Western Asian religions) by historical divisions: Eastern Bloc Western Bloc |
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