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Sedentary lifestyle and Exercise trends

2014-3-14 21:30| view publisher: amanda| views: 1002| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: A sedentary lifestyle plays a significant role in obesity. Worldwide there has been a large shift towards less physically demanding work, and currently at least 30% of the world's population gets insu ...
A sedentary lifestyle plays a significant role in obesity.[89] Worldwide there has been a large shift towards less physically demanding work,[90][91][92] and currently at least 30% of the world's population gets insufficient exercise.[91] This is primarily due to increasing use of mechanized transportation and a greater prevalence of labor-saving technology in the home.[90][91][92] In children, there appear to be declines in levels of physical activity due to less walking and physical education.[93] World trends in active leisure time physical activity are less clear. The World Health Organization indicates people worldwide are taking up less active recreational pursuits, while a study from Finland[94] found an increase and a study from the United States found leisure-time physical activity has not changed significantly.[95]
In both children and adults, there is an association between television viewing time and the risk of obesity.[96][97][98] A review found 63 of 73 studies (86%) showed an increased rate of childhood obesity with increased media exposure, with rates increasing proportionally to time spent watching television.[99]

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