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History of art

Modern and contemporary art
The physical and rational certainties of the clockwork universe depicted by the 18th-century Enlightenment were shattered not only by new discoveries of relativity by Einstein and of unseen psychology ...
2014-3-5 22:36
Eastern art history
Eastern art has generally worked in a style akin to Western medieval art, namely a concentration on surface patterning and local colour (meaning the plain colour of an object, such as basic red for a ...
2014-3-5 22:36
Renaissance Western art
The Renaissance is the return yet again to valuation of the material world, and this paradigm shift is reflected in art forms, which show the corporeality of the human body, and the three-dimensional ...
2014-3-5 22:35
Western art history
In Byzantine and Gothic art of the Middle Ages, the dominance of the church insisted on the expression of biblical truths. There was no need to depict the reality of the material world, in which man w ...
2014-3-5 22:35
Sacred art history
While secular approaches to art history often emphasize individual creativity, the history of sacred art often emphasizes the ways that beautiful objects are used to convey symbolic meaning in ritual ...
2014-3-5 22:35
Academic art history
The study of the history of art is a relatively recent phenomenon; prior to the Renaissance, the modern concept of "art" did not exist. Over time, art historians have changed their views about what ar ...
2014-3-5 22:34
Nationalist art history
Both the making of art, the academic history of art, and the history of art museums are closely intertwined with the rise of nationalism. Art created in the modern era, in fact, has often been an atte ...
2014-3-5 22:34
Art market
The art market can also be used to understand what “counts” as part of art history. Art dealers and auctioneers organize material for distribution to collectors. Two of the largest, and oldest, art ...
2014-3-5 22:33
Art museums
The experience of art history, as conveyed by art museums, tends to be organized differently from that of textbooks due to the nature of collections and the institutions themselves. Rather than a full ...
2014-3-5 22:33
Art of Oceania
The Art of Oceania includes the geographic areas of Micronesia, Polynesia, Australia, New Zealand, and Melanesia. Nicholas Thomas’s textbook Oceanic Art treats the area thematically, with essays on a ...
2014-3-5 22:32
Egyptian art, Art of ancient Egypt, African folk art, and African tribal masks
The long story of African Art includes both high sculpture, perhaps typified by the brass castings of the Benin people, as well as folk art.
2014-3-5 22:32
Central/Southern/Eastern Asian
Eastern civilization broadly includes Asia, and it also includes a complex tradition of art making. One Eastern art history survey textbook is John Laplante’s Asian Art. It divides the field by natio ...
2014-3-5 22:31
Near East
Ancient art, Art of Ancient Egypt, Art and architecture of Assyria, Persian art, Scythian art, Islamic art , and Byzantine Art
2014-3-5 22:31
Native American art, Painting in the Americas before Colonization....
The history of art in the Americas begins in pre-Columbian times with Indigenous cultures. Art historians have focused particularly closely on Mesoamerica during this early era, because a series of st ...
2014-3-5 22:29
Western Europe
Although some of the books listed above attempt a global approach, they are universally strong in western art history. The books use representative examples from each era in order to create a story th ...
2014-3-5 22:29

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