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门户 Mathematics Mathematics Trigonometry


Applications of trigonometry
There are an enormous number of uses of trigonometry and trigonometric functions. For instance, the technique of triangulation is used in astronomy to measure the distance to nearby stars, in geograph ...
2014-3-24 21:43
If one angle of a triangle is 90 degrees and one of the other angles is known, the third is thereby fixed, because the three angles of any triangle add up to 180 degrees. The two acute angles therefor ...
2014-3-24 21:43
History of trigonometry
Sumerian astronomers studied angle measure, using a division of circles into 360 degrees. They, and later the Babylonians, studied the ratios of the sides of similar triangles and discovered some prop ...
2014-3-24 21:42
Trigonometry (from Greek trigōnon, "triangle" + metron, "measure") is a branch of mathematics that studies relationships involving lengths and angles of triangles. The field emerged during the 3rd ce ...
2014-3-24 21:37

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