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in sociology

Main article: Religious views on the selfReligious views on the self vary widely. The self is a complex and core subject in many forms of spirituality. Two types of self are commonly considered - the ...
2014-3-29 19:31
Main article: Psychology of selfThe psychology of self is the study of either the cognitive and affective representation of one's identity or the subject of experience. The earliest formulation of the ...
2014-3-29 19:31
Main article: Philosophy of selfThe philosophy of self seeks to describe essential qualities that constitute a person's uniqueness or essential being. There have been various approaches to defining th ...
2014-3-29 19:30
The self is the subject of one's own experience of phenomena: perception, emotions, thoughts. In phenomenology, it is conceived as what experiences, and there isn't any experiencing without an experie ...
2014-3-29 19:30

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