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门户 People Self Self-awareness


In science fiction
In science fiction, self-awareness describes an essential human property that often (depending on the circumstances of the story) bestows "personhood" onto a non-human. If a computer, alien or other o ...
2014-3-30 08:57
In theater
Theater also concerns itself with other awareness besides self-awareness. There is a possible correlation between the experience of the theater audience and individual self-awareness. As actors and au ...
2014-3-30 08:54
In medicine
Autism spectrum disorder Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are a group of neurodevelopmental disabilities that can cause significant social, communication, and behavioral challenges (Understanding Auti ...
2014-3-30 08:53
In psychology
Self-awareness has been called "arguably the most fundamental issue in psychology, from both a developmental and an evolutionary perspective".In psychology, the concept of "self-awareness" is used in ...
2014-3-30 08:53
In biology
Animals See also: Animal consciousness and Mirror testThere is an ongoing debate as to whether animals have consciousness or not; but in this article the question is to whether animals have self-aware ...
2014-3-30 08:53
While reading Descartes, Locke began to relish the great ideas of philosophy and the scientific method. On one occasion, while in a meeting with friends, the question of the "limits of human understan ...
2014-3-30 08:52

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