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门户 People Self Self-concept


Why do people choose one form of media over another? According to the Galileo Model, there are different forms of media spread throughout three-dimensional space. The closer one form of media is to an ...
2014-3-30 09:07
Gender differences
Research from 1997, inspired by the differences in self-concept across cultures, suggested that men tend to be more independent, while women tend to be more interdependent. A study from 1999 showed th ...
2014-3-30 09:07
Cultural differences
Worldviews about the self in relation to others differs across and within cultures. Western cultures place particular importance on independence and the expression of one's own attributes (i.e. the se ...
2014-3-30 09:06
Researchers debate over when self-concept development begins. Some assert that gender stereotypes and expectations set by parents for their children impact children's understanding of themselves by ap ...
2014-3-30 09:06
The self-concept is an internal model that uses self-assessments in order to define one's self-schemas. Features such as personality, skills and abilities, occupation and hobbies, physical characteris ...
2014-3-30 09:05
Psychologists Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow were the first to establish the notion of self-concept. According to Rogers, everyone strives to reach an "ideal self". Rogers also hypothesized that psych ...
2014-3-30 09:05
Self-concept is distinguishable from self-awareness, which refers to the extent to which self-knowledge is defined, consistent, and currently applicable to one's attitudes and dispositions. Self-conce ...
2014-3-30 09:04

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