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Reviving self-perception theory: the truce experiment
Fazio, Zanna, and Cooper conducted another experiment in 1977, demonstrating that both cognitive dissonance and self-perception could co-exist.In an experimental design similar to Zanna Cooper (1974) ...
2014-3-30 10:18
Disproof of self-perception theory?
Debate ensued over whether dissonance or self-perception was the valid mechanism behind attitude change. The chief difficulty lay in finding an experiment where the two flexible theories would make di ...
2014-3-30 10:17
Challenges and criticisms
Self-perception theory was initially proposed as an alternative to explain the experimental findings of the cognitive dissonance theory, and there were debates as to whether people experience attitude ...
2014-3-30 10:16
One useful application of the self-perception theory is in changing attitude, both therapeutically and in terms of persuasion.Psychological therapy For therapies, self-perception theory holds a differ ...
2014-3-30 10:16
Recent research
Research incorporating self-perception theory has continued in recent years, appearing in conjunction with studies dealing with terrorism, mindwandering, and the inclusion of others in the self.Guadag ...
2014-3-30 10:16
Further evidence
There are numerous studies conducted by psychologists that support the self-perception theory, demonstrating that emotions do follow behaviors. For example, it is found that corresponding emotions (in ...
2014-3-30 10:15
Bem's original experiment
In an attempt to decide whether individuals induce their attitudes as observers without accessing their internal states, Bem used interpersonal simulations, in which an “observer-participant” is giv ...
2014-3-30 10:15
Self-perception theory
Self-perception theory (SPT) is an account of attitude formation developed by psychologist Daryl Bem. It asserts that people develop their attitudes (when there is no previous attitude-due to a lack o ...
2014-3-30 10:14

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