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Self-regulated learning

Application of self-regulated learning in practice
Edirippulige Marasinghe (2011) reviewed evidences of blending of self-regulated learning with new educational programmes such as e-Health teaching using different ICT technologies.There are also many ...
2014-3-30 10:21
Student performance perspective
Lovett, Meyer and Thille observed comparable student performance between instructor-led and self-regulated learning environments. In a subsequent study, self-regulated learning was shown to enable acc ...
2014-3-30 10:21
Information processing perspective
Winne Marx posited that motivational thoughts and beliefs are governed by the basic principles of cognitive psychology, which should be conceived in information-processing terms. Motivation plays a m ...
2014-3-30 10:21
Involving stages
Zimmerman suggested that self-regulated learning process better with three stages.Forethought,learners' preparing work before performance on their studying;Volitional control, which is also called "pe ...
2014-3-30 10:20
Social cognitive perspective
Self-regulation from the social cognitive perspective looks at the triadic interaction among the person (e.g., beliefs about success), his or her behavior (e.g., engaging in a task), and the environme ...
2014-3-30 10:20
Sources of self-regulated learning
According to Iran-Nejad and Chissom, there are three sources of self-regulated learning: active/executive, dynamic, and interest-creating discovery model (1992). Active/executive self-regulation is re ...
2014-3-30 10:20
Four phases of self-regulation
According to Winne and Hadwin, self-regulation unfolds over “four flexibly sequenced phases of recursive cognition.” These phases are task perception, goal setting and planning, enacting, and adapta ...
2014-3-30 10:19
Self-regulated learning
Self-regulated learning (SRL) is learning that is guided by metacognition (thinking about one's thinking), strategic action (planning, monitoring, and evaluating personal progress against a standard), ...
2014-3-30 10:19

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